Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 You can wash the erm , the beaters , and you can put the cream next to the other bowl and I 'll mix them altogether when I 've got the lemon juice in .
2 I had forgotten my way and had to look all round me slowly until I recognized the street which I had used a hundred times before .
3 I mean this is something that we could maybe be of help to in fact maybe something that I could be of help to them on because I actually do lectures on public relations how to assess what I mean at a very basic level you want to communicate with press how do you do it but before you do it why do you want to do it .
4 It 's no it 's crap erm Petie Peter Peter Are we supposed to talk about these things while we 've got them on because I do .
5 Get them on and I 'll take you out with me tonight . ’
6 I forgot I 'd got them on and I slipped on the bottom stairs .
7 she looks really weird without them on and I saw her like this
8 And when I went to go to work I pulled me gloves what I thought out of pocket and was going to put them on and I thought er
9 ‘ You will speak to me politely or I will split my men here into two football teams with you as the ball .
10 And it stayed with me right until I left school .
11 Serves me right for I suppose .
12 Her face twisting with anger and bitterness , she spat at her brother , ‘ Oh , yes , the classic trick — lead me on until I say something really out of order !
13 The whole restaurant cheered me on as I fought my way out into the night .
14 We did have them somewhere but I I just do n't know
15 So he 's got all his bricks up virtually I think he said , but I ai n't worried about it cos I 'll get rid of them somewhere and I helped him out , I sold this car and , and told him what I was doing and he come I 've just the thing for you , just cos was having bricks like your dad 's , the sand grain sort of brick , you know .
16 The article on Flettner 's rotors ( ’ Critics in a spin over Flettner 's ships ’ , 10 March , p 6561 interested me greatly but I feel that another , better form of wind propulsion for ships is either unknown or is being ignored .
17 Well personally I mean erm Margaret impressed me greatly but I think John was inclined to be full of his own importance for one thing .
18 The formation of this remark in my mind encouraged me greatly and I found myself smiling .
19 My hon. Friend 's remarks about a single currency alarm me greatly because I much admire his intellect , not to mention the fluency of his speech .
20 Ask me nicely and I might even oblige . ’
21 ‘ It does n't worry me morally but I have a lot of sympathy with those who do n't think it is very attractive .
22 ‘ So you understand me better than I understand myself .
23 Many of the Dublin deaf have a smattering of BSL and can talk to me better than I can talk to them .
24 There is a mystic , psychic quality about them that is pleasantly disturbing , and often one of them will gently take my hand and gaze steadily into my eyes as if willing me better and I feel sort of honoured to be welcomed into their society .
25 I understood that you might like me better if I had experience , if I did n't have opinions about things I knew nothing about . … ’
26 Wo n't take me long once I get going its just the getting going bit busy day tomorrow have n't we ?
27 By that time her clothes were dry , and we brought them in and I ironed them and hung them in the sun again , this time to air .
28 Right do you wan na grab another couple of guys and send them in and I 'll er
29 I done them and then I 've took them down and I 've gone back .
30 I 've put them down , I ca n't see them , I brought them down when I brought
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