Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] [noun] he " in BNC.

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1 What a waste of time , cos he 'll only sell them for things he
2 The Duke provided a list of suitable , sober and solid men , but the Young Frog had simply scrawled out their names and replaced them with friends he had made at Eton and , when some of those friends declined the honour , he found other congenial officers who knew how to leaven war 's rigours with riotous enjoyment .
3 Although he led them in Korea he was actually from the Cheshire Regiment .
4 Ken cried as he washed the make-up off his legs , hauling them into the sink and then washing them in basins he had on the floor .
5 ( When he finally left us for the United States , he took these gifts back from me , with the excuse that as he had bought them in Berlin he wanted to show them to the dancer .
6 Oh well , he said to me on Saturday he said do it Thursday after
7 ‘ Mum 's routing out all our spare clothes , and John 's taking them to families he knows through Grandad .
8 But every time she mentioned them to Fernando he assured her they were quite capable of looking after themselves and promptly closed the subject .
9 But when I asked him for permission he just agreed .
10 He resented the assertion of Aquitainian authority coming hard on the heels of the Grandmont meeting and when Count William turned to him for help he responded by raiding the Vexin to draw Henry back north .
11 If you do not flip him off balance he can quite easily crash right into the marginal weed some distance along your own bank .
12 Most bears were small and black , sometimes no higher than a man , but this great , shaggy-furred animal reminded him of stories he had heard from knights who had served with the Teutonic Orders in the wild black forests of the north .
13 He realized with a shock that they reminded him of steers he had once seen in a railroad siding back home in Richmond , Virginia , crowded uncomprehendingly in trucks bound for the slaughterhouse .
14 But memories came to him of books he had read and films he had seen .
15 Shultz , for all his opposition to the Iran operation , merely told Poindexter not to inform him of details he did not need to know ; and the admiral , needing no encouragement to hold things close , took that line with other members of the cabinet .
16 So he has to go back home and leave her and in telling her of course he breaks her heart .
17 Alexei guessed that if Burun wished to discredit him with Artai he only had to link his name with any one of the intrigues which were a constant background to the life of the court .
18 Before the letter could contaminate him with reason he pushed it into the fire and watched it burn .
19 Persuaded her to work for him with promises he had no intention of fulfilling ?
20 When I helped him into bed he said , with some echo of his old authority , that nothing was to change while he was here ; that I was to go on with my work ; that he would teach me to play chess at last ; that he was absolutely thrilled to be out of hospital , and it would be a positive delight to look after himself .
21 I think for a bit about going to ask him how I get home but I do n't want to ask him in case he tells Mr Jackson .
22 As he walked on to the first tee he could n't get any proper words out at all , and so I was frightened to speak to him in case he thought I was teasing him .
23 She had n't told him in the beginning because it was totally unimportant to her — her family was not religious — and then , after they had been married a while and she had discovered he was extremely intolerant about various classes of people — not Jews , in fact , but Negroes and Catholics — she had been afraid to tell him in case he should think she had deliberately concealed her origins because she had not trusted him .
24 And from the moment Mr Weintraub saw him in Spain he has been in someone 's company twenty-four hours a day .
25 He had time to have a word with everyone and on the occasions when I met him in England he was more than helpful — unlike some of his colleagues in the Press room who pestered you for information when at Leopardstown , then pretended you were from another planet when you went to a big meeting in England .
26 His eyes blazed with a sudden fury , and as she cringed away from him in horror he took a deep breath and ruthlessly controlled himself till nothing but the white-boned knuckles showed his internal rage .
27 Dick does n't follow him in fact he thinks the bloke is trying to get off with him which is a bit of a laugh if you 've seen the Indian women , until the Indian runs off and fetches Miguel who 's one of the guides .
28 As she watched him in silence he slid open one of his desk drawers and lifted out a sheaf of papers .
29 When the American chargé at Saigon ( Edmund Gullion ) called on him in June he said he had returned to Vietnam because of French assurances that seemed to promise independence .
30 about Murdoch the Australian inverted commas because that his , he was , I mean when I first , I , I do n't know the man but when I first knew about him in Australia he was a he supported the Labour government 's election in in Australia .
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