Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm also an alternative therapist and I do find that this is one of the major problems , that ninety percent of my patients who come to me suffer from stress and depression , and really what has happened in a lot of cases is that they have been put on valium and drugs , they find the side effects are horrific !
2 The look she gave me changed from fear to disgust .
3 For another , many of the genes carried by plasmids — such as those specifying resistance to the antibiotics kanamycin or penicillin — are flanked by special DNA which enables them to jump from plasmid to chromosome and back , or from one plasmid to another .
4 Some Western conservationists have welcomed Martin 's departure but local conservationist groups generally supported his policy of giving local communities an interest in preserving wildlife by allowing them to benefit from wildlife management schemes .
5 That I wanted to come from school but they would n't all ow me to come from school because me father had signed for four years you see .
6 What do I want from exercise ?
7 I refrain from sarcasm .
8 My arm was beginning to hurt pretty badly , so I decided to pull my chute straight away in case I fainted from loss of blood .
9 I mean from air , to fly from aircraft carriers .
10 I mean from rig to rig things work differently and I mean on on Piper , I would say there were probably things that could have been tightened up but then again I do n't think they were part and parcel of what happened and there on July the sixth .
11 And there is no point denying that I suffer from Denial , because this means only that I am guilty of Deep Denial .
12 I suffer from asthma but would like to go on our school skiing holiday .
13 I push from dust ;
14 Still not worried , still sliding smoothly through the crowds , feeling as elusive as a shadow , I passed from night-spot to night-spot .
15 And that , the answers I got from Government was , use a voluntary body , they do n't have to pay that .
16 And I helped him out with money I got from Dad .
17 Oh , ’ she added , ‘ except that somehow I never mentioned what I got from Dad .
18 I moved from ground level to tower block level , which produced a dynamic image more in keeping with a 20th century view of city life .
19 I forgot all about donating and the transfusion service lost track of me as I moved from house to house over the years , until the other day when the subject came up in the office .
20 As I changed from listening to walking mode , I tried to work out whether it had feet or flippers or ran on rollers .
21 " What I want from life I can not have .
22 ‘ Well , ’ he said , taking Shae in his arms and softly kissing her hair , ‘ it would seem I am damned , because you are indeed all I want from life . ’
23 Can not help feeling Truffaut 's real talent lies in desserts : the conjuring up of trifles , and that what I want from cinema screen is more like roast beef .
24 About half what I earn from speed .
25 For eighteen months or more I suffered from chest spasms or a form of acute asthma .
26 In the first stages , the first winter , I do n't remember feeling cold at all ; or , at least , I do n't remember that I suffered from cold any more than anyone else did .
27 It would be an exaggeration to say I suffered from morning sickness , but my suspicions were certainly aroused when I began to feel a little queasy in the early part of the day .
28 You know , the difficulty of getting up to the flats , i you know I I suffered from arthritis , and er you know i it was quite a strenuous business to get from the ground up to our own flat .
29 Among many blessings , which I count from time to time , is the good fortune of being born in this age of progress ‘ in all directions ’ and the fact that I was born with an innate curiosity .
30 Anyone is free to decide that life is too short for such unriddlings ; others ( I speak from experience ) may develop a taste for them .
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