Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] that to " in BNC.

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1 And I liken that to the power from above which can execute our sinful selves .
2 I realise that to a man like you this situation is probably an open invitation to a spot of casual sex , even if generally you do n't fancy redheads , as you so gallantly pointed out when we first met … ’
3 In any case , it 's weird that whenever I say that to Keith , he looks at me with the unmistakably quizzical air of the tall thin intellectual he is , his hair on the blond side of chestnut ( now heavily greying ) ; his fair skin with his rosy cheeks reminding one of Victorian youths with perfect complexions ( or so the novels of Wilkie Collins and the paintings of the Pre-Raphaelites would have us believe ) ; his eyebrows bushy and deliberately unkempt ; his classic tweed suit of the old school , worn with a shamefully Byronic air somewhere between hippy and academic ; his accent public school , as befits his education , although he also speaks a passable Spanish , so we can keep switching languages whenever linguistic difficulties develop .
4 And I reported that to June and she said that 's a load of nonsense because there 's nothing in it to make you feel lightheaded or anything else , and if he , if he felt a bit tired you know .
5 I send that to Ben , oh if I do it now you can post it for me could n't you ?
6 I told that to the American who came to my office and made the offer .
7 And I believed that to others I who looked thus strangely upon them , I also was strange .
8 Michael Swinton is not , of course , one of our most distinguished painters , his style is too obvious , too photographic but I imagine that to you it seemed a wonderful distinction . ’
9 I says that to Mrs she said I 'll see if I can afford one before Christmas .
10 so I 'll er , I give that to the er
11 Nor do I believe that to be a good Christian you have to attend chapel or church every week , or even three times a year .
12 In the introduction I stated that to the principal of the theological college without reservation the Genesis account of creation .
13 I was not sure whether I owed that to Gwenellen , the universal awe of Old Red , or Aline 's being away .
14 If slavery is not wrong nothing is wrong and yet I have never understood the presidency conferred upon me an unrestricted right to act officially upon this judgment and feeling and I aver that to this day I have done no official act in mere deference to my abstract judgment and feeling on slavery .
15 I suppose that to them she represented a fast , efficient approach to life that jarred with their more laid-back , aristocratic one .
16 Whilst on the market stall I had a Liverpool pensioner who had n't seen a Liverpool organisation so when I got home I sent to her a notice of the huge rally there going to hold in September , in Liverpool with a couple of Bishop 's and big national speakers , I sent that to her and also contacted a Liverpool pensioner secretary to get in touch with her , and we 've also written to erm , that 's the rally , erm , we 've also , I 've also written to Jim from Cumberland , if you remember er his down our rally , so we should have some , we decided to buy twelve copies of each publication they produce and one when we get our office will be available there .
17 Nevertheless , I firmly believe that the young man concerned regarded it as the means to an end — I leave that to your imaginations — and not in any way binding .
18 I think that to be a loner and a writer is hell enough , but many would instantly tell me how horrendous it is to work in a factory — 1 did it for three months and loathed it — or to go to their office and stop from biting their nails when their boss has to score petty points off them .
19 And I think that to a large extent erm an alternative wording that that we 've been working on would erm meet those concerns .
20 Sometimes he was angry with me and called me a ‘ hard little thing ’ or ‘ a cruel spirit ’ , but I preferred that to being called ‘ my darling ’ .
21 Oh I , I said that to you at the time Robert , I mean I 'll be honest and I saw that document and I nearly died and it 's the way they say it too
22 I said that to … to get back at you , because I thought you were ashamed of it , ’ she admitted , beginning to feel slightly guilty .
23 They do n't ca they do n't care I used to say that a if I said that to Steven pack it in , somebody will hear , he 'd say well open the bloody windows and let them hear !
24 I know , I said that to Kevin , if you 're part of the family
25 No she was n't , but even so , you know , I said that to Liz , Liz said oh it 's not , it 's nothing to do with your responsibility .
26 Well like I said , I said that , I said that to Pete and Pete goes , God I wish he 'd make up his mind !
27 I said that to him and he looked at me over the top of his glasses like that , cos he , in his office , he sits here , the door 's there , he sits here and I , I , everybody else has had the door open , I went in and shut the door and I stood behind him , I did n't stand in front of him , stood behind him so , keep
28 I said that to her and she said yes she said I can go , I 'm she said .
29 and when I said that to Penny she said well that 's nice she said you 've got ta lot of , a lot of friends at home , I said no , I have n't got friends
30 Yesterday I said that to you , cos I says oh who 's been good and filled them
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