Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] for all " in BNC.

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1 The Peerage Act 1963 now enables them to sit for all .
2 I am sure de Macon had his hand on his dagger hilt and I realised for all they knew I could be a member of the Luciferi .
3 I long for all my people their lives to humbly search .
4 It 's what I used for all that weird Eno-esque synth stuff over Morrissey 's Last Of The Famous International Playboys single .
5 But the managers I played for all said I was the best professional .
6 I am sure that I speak for all district society presidents when I say that this is just not true .
7 I know I speak for all of us … ’
8 I speak for all the servants of the embassy in Paris .
9 As to coming together for further talks , I think that I speak for all those who were involved in the talks in the summer , which we concluded , when I say that those who took part in them felt that they were valuable and looked forward to the possibility of being able to hold talks again .
10 I cite as an example the urban areas of the city which I partially represent — I speak for all of Birmingham when I speak on this issue , and I am trying to raise an important matter in which there may be some common cause .
11 I do not know whether I speak for all my right hon. and hon. Friends .
12 I am sure I speak for all of us here when I say that our thoughts are with the Miletti family in this ordeal . ’
13 I hope for all our sakes it is . ’
14 I prayed for all the King 's Kids in their work places .
15 Lunch was an avocado and prawn sandwich and a carton of mango juice , which I admit were a bit out of character but otherwise I looked for all the world like a real musher .
16 Nineteen fifty one , we moved in , er and , I 've had , you 're not the first person to come all round here , this house , they used , they used to come round in shows from the Corporation all visitors used to come , they used to say , right Jean can we bring them round we 've had people from Germany and everywhere and being in the architect 's department I fell for all this you know I had
17 It is a right I reserve for all adults and one of the nicest things about being my age is that I can do whatever I like .
18 Anyway that is something we 'll have to develop I think for all all levels of of staff .
19 He had my old measurements and I apologised for all that I was doing to his calculations .
20 ‘ Well , ’ she said , ‘ you know who I blame for all this , do n't you ? ’
21 Now could I ask for all the members to say the Mothers ' Union prayer , the nineteen seventy four one which you will find on page three .
22 He took us to the Þingvellir National park where the clouds parted and the sun shone on square kilometres of snow that was so clean and pure it made me weep for all the time we had lost on the trip , and for the pleasure of being where I wanted to be .
23 cos er and if you say for all enquiries please call that .
24 Or had she just seen him one day , walking around the suburb where he had been born , and said to him , in that sharp voice she used for all commands : ‘ Marry Me ! ’
25 You danced for all the Daddies
26 In a fit of temper she arranged for all the surrounding elms to catch Dutch Elm Disease and quickly died .
27 Well there was a big reunion er you know for all the m all the soldiers all the sold came back out of the war .
28 When Sweetheart fixed her hair and make-up a certain way and dressed up in the clothes she made on her treadle sewing machine , she looked for all the world like Jane Russell come to life from the big screen .
29 His sister " face was pinched , her eyes large and dark against the paleness of her skin , and she looked for all the world like some sort of trapped animal .
30 She felt for all the world as if she 'd had a hangover — an event that had happened exactly once in her well-ordered life .
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