Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] to an " in BNC.

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1 Caduta asked me to come to an address in Little Italy at two o'clock that afternoon .
2 Erm in terms of taking up their ideas , guiding them , encouraging them etcetera an and saying look , you know , this is okay er er er I mean to an extent that would depend on how much military security there was in the area .
3 So a few days later I moved to an hotel , the Hotel España ( solo apartamentos ) on the Plaza Españia .
4 I was a late and I changed to an early and back to a late .
5 Soon I came to an opening in the hills .
6 I used to be a hunt supporter , I used to be a hunt follower I gave up because I object to an attitude of a society of people that life is disposable having seen wounded fox hounds and that is the proper term having seen wounded fox hounds despatched with a revolver because they 've got a broken leg having charged full pelt across a public road and hit a motor car coming the other way and fortunately not injured the occupants of the motor car having seen the damage that a pack of hounds in full cry can do to land that they are not entitled to be upon because fox hounds ca n't read .
7 I turned to an investigation of my own family and my class background , and what it meant to be a woman … = This was the starting point of a project on ‘ my history ’ which I began by tentatively examining photographs of myself and ended by taking control over how I wanted to be photographed .
8 At least that was what I had intended to say ; owing to a tonal error I declared to an astonished audience ‘ Excuse me .
9 I thought I would go mad when you left France and I returned to an empty house . ’
10 If , on the other hand , I point to an object in my immediate surroundings and say " this chair " , then , unless I am deliberately lying or trying to mislead , I indicate an implicit assumption on my part that there is something out there , something external to my act of pointing , which I take to be a chair .
11 I pull the Daily Telegraph out of my coat pocket and as Dixie explained to me I point to an article on the front page .
12 I went to an estate agent . ’
13 Being the only girl in a family of seven was bad enough but there were no other girls anywhere near my age in our local area either , though of course I went to an all-girl convent school .
14 ‘ Last night I went to an art exhibition in my sister-in-law 's gallery and then went to dinner to celebrate my brother-in-law 's birthday .
15 this is erm , this is a bit like I went to an auction at erm Chesteny Street , and all the exhibits were brought out by hand , by , by the
16 all sorts of things which are available which if I just brushed up on so at least if I went to an interview I 'd be able to talk about
17 And maybe because I went to an all girls ' school , it 's not so obvious , you do n't see girls and boys walking hand in hand in the playground .
18 Anne and I went to an information last week held by the Archbishop .
19 But I always spoke English with Mum , and I went to an English school in Athens .
20 I went to an authoritarian , exam-orientated school .
21 I went to an opening at Annely Juda 's in 1978 and noticed that the downstairs looked empty .
22 The other day I went to an area with 300,000 muslims surrounded by Serbs .
23 Cos I tell you what I have got cos I went to an Indian reservation and I 've got a small carving which an Indian did for
24 I I think to an extent the bank have in helped small businesses to make this mistake .
25 And I think to an extent those two are two ends of the seesaw and is a straight er choice that has to be made .
26 And I march to an unseen drum that is the metronome of an infinite host and like Thoreau , I am lifted and inspired by a music that no one else hears .
27 ‘ Excuse me , , I said to an elderly gentleman coming towards us , ‘ can you direct us to the Gypsy Queen 's caravan ? ’
28 Secretly , I write to an organisation for anorexics , asking ‘ Do you think I may be anorexic ?
29 I said , ‘ Why should I listen to an actor who lost the Oscar to John Wayne in True Grit ? ’
30 erm Let me refer to an advertisement which erm some listeners may have seen in the Radio Times in the last couple of weeks .
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