Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] away [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Many elderly people do this each year if it is not suitable for them to go away with their family , and they understand the need those who are caring for them have for a complete break .
2 Shiona could n't have agreed more , but her tone was taunting as she told him , ‘ What a pity you 'll have to wait until tomorrow to see me led away in chains . ’
3 To George Sand , however , he seems ‘ gentle as a lamb ’ ( 1866 ) — which he denies ( 1869 ) — and the pair of them chatter away like magpies ( 1866 ) ; ten years later , at her funeral , he weeps like a calf ( 1876 ) .
4 One reason is that women , particularly in the Third World , are often not aware of the real dangers of contraception because health staff and pharmaceutical companies keep them in ignorance for fear of making them stay away from the clinic .
5 There 's the kids , too — I want them got away from him .
6 Father keeps them hidden away in a room off his library . ’
7 a very uncomfortable thing for me occurred — There were quite enough queens to register Casanova impotent , and yet every one of them shied away from me as if I had the plague .
8 Take that stool and go inside to the cloakroom and sit there until you 're called by me to come away from it . ’
9 Then the three of them swam away into the deeper water under the headland .
10 But the odds are on them walking away with their own business — a team business — at the end of it , ’ said Ms Liddell .
11 As time went by and my experience sharpened , I back away from the window , taking in more and more of the store fronts , their signs , and external lights .
12 As time went by and my experience sharpened , I back away from the window , taking in more and more of the store fronts , their signs , and external lights .
13 So I back away from them .
14 I shied away from the very American-sounding compliment .
15 I had only known , positively though without details , that there was no help and no comfort forthcoming from the source , and that being so I shied away from any mental flashbacks which could only make me more unhappy and ashamed .
16 I shied away from the prospect .
17 I crept away from Shadwell .
18 Because I lived away from men for so long , part of me is now permanently closed to them .
19 Ca n't I stay away from Pepe 's for once ? ’
20 ‘ I might have kicked a few people in my time , and some would say I got away with it for twenty years .
21 I do n't know how I got away with it . ’
22 ‘ So I got away with that all right .
23 I got away with far too much .
24 I think I got away with quite a lot , considering .
25 Providence , destiny — although I would like to treat destiny with a very small " d " in my case — inevitably played their parts but nevertheless I got away with it , and my crew got away with it .
26 And I had Avenger estate , and I done the same with that and I got away with it for ages and I what you want a do , I know what you wan na do he erm , I mean that 's that 's really sort of pushing it over the top but he got a great big sheet of polythene , he went down to ready mix and had a load of ready mix in the back of this Avenger estate , brand new he 'd only just got it !
27 I am always in my very best spirits , for my heart has been as light as a feather ever since I got away from all that humbug ; and , what is more , I have become fatter .
28 I knew it did me good to be reminded of how much I loathed the suburbs , and that I had to continue my journey into London and a new life , ensuring I got away from people and streets like this .
29 ‘ I 've been leading the life of Riley since I got away from the place .
30 After primary school I moved away to a different High School but I have the photographs and certificates of achievement that I have worked for .
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