Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] never be " in BNC.

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1 Life for me has never been dull around you what more could I ask ?
2 The other tenants say that life for them has never been better .
3 I think perhaps the top clubs like I do n't I 've never been there .
4 No , I 'd never been given that option .
5 I 'd never been to her place before .
6 I had no idea there was a class distinction , having lived in a sort of world of my own , and when I went to meet his parents in his house in Bromley , I 'd never been to such a small , little house where all the chairs had those things on the back where you catch the Brylcreem and you sat down and had high tea .
7 ‘ I wish I 'd never been born .
8 Dusk deepened until I could no longer see ten yards ahead , and after I 'd knocked the shaft of the arrow against an unseen hazard twice within a minute I stopped and sank slowly down to my knees , resting my forehead and the front of my left shoulder against a young birch trunk , drained as I 'd never been before .
9 Well I 'd never been on stage in my life before and there I was , suddenly going to be in front of King George and Queen Mary .
10 I 'd never been in the cab of a moving train before , and I felt I could have stayed there all day .
11 I 'd never been asked to do anything like it before and it is a little eccentric .
12 I 'd never been in a helicopter in my life ; you think , ‘ This is alright , ’ until you get in the bloody thing !
13 I 'd never been interested in guitarists as guitarists until I heard Johnny Marr .
14 Landing in Nigeria , en route to Sierra Leone , and struck , initially , by the intense heat and strange , over-powering odours , Neneh felt frightened and alienated : ‘ It was like a world I 'd never been in , that was looking at me as being different — but also part of .
15 I 'd never been surrounded by so many nice things before , not even at the Lewises ' .
16 ‘ If they 've hurt a single nome they 'll wish I 'd never been born , ’ said Masklin .
17 I 'd never been abroad before , so it was a wonderful gift .
18 Laing was at pains to stress that at no time did he feel under pressure : ‘ It was that I 'd never been caught before and I did n't know what to do .
19 " I 'd never been near the Chief Rabbit before .
20 I 'd never been in there before ; it was dark and stuffy and full of bloody , primitive colours .
21 I 'd never been very good at big lies , and the thought of living one terrified me , but it was important that not only I , but the baby , should have some self-respect about its origins .
22 I 'd never been in hospital before , and after the first day I felt well enough to notice things like the faint smell , which I thought was of death , but which was disinfectant , and to be mildly infuriated by hospital routine .
23 I wish I 'd never been born ! ’
24 I 'd never been to New Earth before .
25 I just got that scared , because I 'd never been to an antenatal class , I did n't know what was going to happen .
26 I was skinny but I 'd never been so healthy in my life .
27 I 'd never been there but there would have been a terrible fuss if I 'd taken off to Roundhay Park or Woodhouse Moor or somewhere .
28 It was Irene , for instance , who pointed out something I 'd never been able to put my finger on : that Tod ca n't talk and smile at the same time .
29 ‘ I was annoyed that I 'd never been told about this illness in England ’ , says Leslie .
30 I 'd never been to London then . ’
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