Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] try [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I can speak with feeling about the frustrations I experienced trying to obtain a suitable movement here .
2 Though I do n't live there any more , I still regard the South Bronx as my community and I want to try to give something back .
3 I want to try to clear away the distinction between two kinds of text , the " literary " ( or poetic ) and the " non- literary " , as regards the function of context .
4 In Part Two I want to try to develop some of this potential and outline a ‘ postclassical ’ perspective : that is , a perspective grounded on the fundamental assumptions made by Beccaria , but with some liberties taken and adjustments made in the light of the various problems it has encountered .
5 Instead , I want to try to develop a further view of what it means to see criticism as a significant feature of higher education .
6 But really I want to try to slip past them .
7 The last seamstress I used tried to commit suicide twice and I do n't think my designs are that depressing !
8 I stopped trying to win and just thought about making enough money to stay ahead of everybody else .
9 ‘ The teaching was just something that kept me alive ; I 'd tried to live off music before that , and failed .
10 If I 'd tried to run for it .
11 I 'd tried to safeguard myself by worming my way into her heart and confidences .
12 If I 'd tried to walk out along the trail , I would have met Perkin face to face .
13 I told her the brutal truth — how I 'd tried to buy a love-nest for us and got involved with the wrong property men .
14 I 'd tried to keep my voice light , coaxing , but she studied me coolly as though she 'd picked up my unspoken reservations and would not forget them .
15 I 'd tried to help him before .
16 Automatically I began trying to accommodate my ideas to those of the police , the experts ; trying to find some reason why a man after rabbits should have no gun , not even a piece of wire or string about him .
17 When I read about your father in the newspapers at the time , I began trying to find out things .
18 I began trying to play ‘ God Save the King ’ , but after tapping away for an hour with one finger I had n't made much progress .
19 I leave my heating on during the night because I do n't want to get up in a cold flat but people I know try to save their money by living in the cold . ’
20 I try to keep one step ahead of the rest of the staff , making sure that there 's a continuity of work for them , and I like to try to mix their work as much as possible .
21 ‘ If you knew how bored I get trying to answer that same question … ’
22 I remember trying to hold the umbrella against the rain and the wind was gusting over 40 miles per hour .
23 I remember trying to think of all the troops who would line up behind me , and realizing that there was only Anne .
24 I remember trying to make sense out of these ghostly darting signs that overlaid the story of the film , which most of the time I could n't follow .
25 I remember trying to help one of the sisters dress a badly wounded back — something I had never thought I could do .
26 We were given a lot of work to prepare in our spare time and I remember trying to keep warm in the daytime in an overcoat and scarf while I wrote an essay or struggled with Latin composition .
27 Should I have tried to go home this year ? wondered Pascoe guiltily .
28 After they did this four more times I decided to try to outdo them , and got a sheet of glass ready .
29 A further area I decided to try to improve was the semi-submerged filter beyond the trickle chamber .
30 Prior to losing the mollies ( male and female ) a number of young were produced and since I also only have one tank , I decided to try to save them by suspending a net breeding trap in the tank and transferring them to it .
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