Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] now that " in BNC.

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1 But the thing is that now , I mean now that most of them have got some sort of house , an' there 's food an' money around , they know they 're better off but , honest , they know they 've got nothin' as well .
2 Well I , I mean now that does n't sound , that 's not such a an Irish statement as it sounds , actually .
3 I realise now that this is how I wanted things to be when I was a small girl and came home from school .
4 I realise now that we were trying to find an interest for ourselves and had done the classic thing of looking for it in a new environment which actually involved more adjustment and less ease than if we had stayed where we were .
5 I realise now that I was being told to get lost , but that Chris did n't have the guts to tell me himself , ’ she recalls .
6 Being wise after the event , I realise now that what I should have done was to ask the jury to retire so that a formula could have been discussed and agreed upon , which would have disposed of the matter satisfactorily .
7 But I realise now that nobody is likely to give me another contract , ever again .
8 In the years that I have had to research my Bombing Years lectures I realise now that we never really got to grips with the German defences until the latter stages of the war .
9 I realise now that she did n't have the qualities of insight and gentleness and the warmth she would need to be the companion of a country doctor . ’
10 ‘ There was a time when I slightly resented that , but I realise now that you may as well sit back and enjoy it .
11 I come , I realise now that Gerry 's
12 And again she asked herself , How will I survive now that the sun has been taken out of my life ?
13 If I do not get the chance later in my response to answer the comments of the hon. Member for Caernarfon ( Mr. Wigley ) on students with special needs in further education , I say now that I attach great importance to those students .
14 ‘ He is a very laid back , lazy , gross horse , ’ the trainer said , ‘ And I hope now that he can come on .
15 I hope now that the privileged few are having to lower themselves to the level of State schools , there will be more pressure on the Government to put some cash into education .
16 I hope now that her family will be allowed to grieve in peace . ’
17 I hope now that perhaps the legal proceedings can be held in abeyance and discussions can take place so some out of court settlement can be reached as the judges are urging .
18 But what should I do now that I 'd been told about Belinda 's feelings ?
19 School makes me nervous ; when I walk down the corridor I feel that everyone is staring at me , and because a lot of people know about my anorexia they think it their job to comment constantly on what I am eating or not eating , and how much better I look now that I 've put on weight .
20 I suspect now that you know I mean I they might still to move given to one or two of my family members , but basically I could more openly say you know that in fact I suppose my view in Britain but not in Australia but my view in Britain is okay , the Royal Family could continue to exist they must A pay taxes B I do n't genuflect to any of them and C we 've got ta put them in perspective they 're in which is they 're a tourist attraction erm you know but I and I can make those comments which would be met by a lot of Britons with hostility , people who would totally disagree with me and say well they are the Royals and you know bow , bow , bow , but others would agree with me and that is something that has changed over the last three decades it really has , it 's changed during , during my absence in Australia , it is something you know that I came back to and I mean I kept , I 've been back about three or four weeks and there 's a pro I mean there 's some delightful radio programmes here comedy , political comedy shows and there was one show I listened to and I had been back a couple of weeks and it was about erm the Queen had a P R issue and she had to sort of do something about it , so she decided they 'd have a public execution of Edward and they described Edward was a cream puff and they the Queen and and er Andrew and everybody else was on the balcony at er Buck House and the crowds are cheering and the rolled and the the execution .
21 I guessed now that she had met this other man during her widowhood .
22 No I accept now that it 's , it 's extremely skilful .
23 I know now that I have a duty to look after myself , for no one else will bother .
24 In retrospect , I know now that I could not have chosen a more co-operative species than the chub with which to begin a vocation in big-fish angling .
25 I know now that there is every reason for joy at the thought of the day on which I was given life .
26 I know now that we 've all been wrong about what I want to do with my — ’
27 I know now that the prototype was a bit too light and delicate on the controls and that flying by subjective impressions has to be replaced by adherence to procedures and parameters .
28 Lynn says , ‘ I know now that Stuart is vulnerable , that he was very depressed .
29 And I know now that I will recognise him … however long it takes .
30 I know now that there is something between a mother and her baby that even time can not take away .
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