Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] also [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I realized also with a jolt that the dancers were wearing a motley of costumes representing centuries of brief encounters with the West — from seventeenth-century Portuguese ruffles round their throats , down to modern trainers on their feet .
2 I remember also during that summer I thought it would be a nice idea to show Lubin some of the wonderful churches near Bayreuth .
3 But I believe also in a society in which government does n't try to take responsibility away from people .
4 I turn also to the untouchable .
5 In researching the activists I went also to the local trades council and its women 's committee , union meetings called over disputes , local demonstrations , courses and day schools for women trade unionists .
6 I think also on the inherent fault situation , I mean when somebody buys a vehicle the vehicle has to be of a standard obviously and if there are problems there then obviously people appreciate the fact that they can go back and this is really the point of dealing with a reputable dealer from the word go .
7 I think also in those very tough times ahead I think it 's a very difficult decisions to be made about what services are provided erm , and what operation people are actually going to be able to have done and I wonder how much local people are gon na have a chance to say anything about that in the situation in which their health service their health authority is based so far away .
8 Suffice it to say Chairman , in the intervening time the project has gone ahead with considerable erm , er , local support , both in terms of finance , but I think also in terms of the er , the effort that er , particular individuals in the area have put in to make this project happen .
9 Of course I dealt also with a large number of other factors , highways , environmental considerations , archaeology .
10 so , erm I hope that , that might make few people visit , but then as I said also in it , you ca n't force people to go to the theatre if they do n't want
11 Habitually a somewhat forgetful person , I had also for a couple of days been trying to remember the name of the director of the film Such Good Friends .
12 I have also of course been very excited by the new doors that have opened up for me that I never knew existed .
13 I pondered also on the question as to why it matters so much to most of us what on earth ( literally ) happens to human remains ?
14 The one search will serve if you act also for a mortgagee , in which case name the mortgagee rather than the buyer , because the priority given to the mortgagee extends to the buyer , but not vice versa .
15 L. Stettner quotes Sachs : She quotes also from other studies to show that these co-operatives are better able to survive under adversity than are conventionally organised plywood manufacturing firms , and why : in a phrase , higher productivity , so much higher as to result in some cases in value added per labour-hour of more than twice that of those firms .
16 And er if you look also at the way that the stones fit together they 're ve they fit together very neatly on the aisle where by the small window whereas the central part of the church there 's much more mortar between the joints .
17 She comments also on the ambiguous fascination these theorists exhibit with regard to their own practice : ‘ it is all a beautiful , theoretical game , that they themselves do n't perhaps really believe in , but indulge in it as one indulges in a passion , overwhelming at the time then looked at with mild amusement , a passion for beautiful systems ’ ( 614 ) .
18 I take it I take it you 're representing Leeds or are you speaking also on behalf of your colleague from Bradford ?
19 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food , and that it was a delight to the eyes , and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise , she took of the fruit thereof , and did eat ; and she gave also unto her husband with her , and he did eat …
20 The Sex Disqualification ( Removal ) Act 1919 , designed to facilitate the admission of women to the House of Commons but worded in such a way as to be apt to give them access also to the House of Lords was seized upon by Viscountess Rhondda as having this effect but the Committee of Privileges refused to endorse her claim and the House rejected it .
21 Lexicological units must not only be delimited paradigmatically , that is , within a constant syntactic frame : we want also to be able to say of two occurrences of a lexical form in different syntactic environments whether they are occurrences of the same lexical unit , or two different units .
22 In the future we hope also to be able to assist further with practical care .
23 Our primary concern above dictates the inclusion of certain client outcome measures across the organizational types , but are we interested also in outcomes as perceived by the client , the worker , by management or by other agencies ?
24 Erm , we commented also on the limited access and congested area inhibits service vehicles , removals , delivery vans , which are forced to park in the main road .
25 If we look also at the review sections , we see that already in the 1920s McKerrow takes the view that a " great period of discovery is rapidly coming to an end : " an age of English scholarship is passing , if not already passed " .
26 We hear also of a series of disasters visited by God on the country , in order to force the Egyptians ' hands .
27 We flew also to France ( Epernay ) which was one of our bomber airfields and we operated to places like Prague .
28 We grieve also for the loss of an ideal or a belief , for changes in our body , a place we had to leave , an animal companion , even an illusion .
29 We knew also of the conditions on the poorer nationality ships which were often rat and lice infested , as our rummage crews had experienced .
30 We 've also in London , the London Region took , took tribunal for caretakers who were , who were not transferred from a school and we won that tribunal .
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