Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] from our " in BNC.

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1 Is that the right sort of , if our I mean from our objective is to get more sales
2 ‘ It says so in a little book I got from Our Lady 's Bookshop .
3 Try to get some er old door casings rip down from me you know , now , I was thinking of going to North Wales but I know what they 'd say cos it , the ones that I got from our Rob 's you know the they 're quite clean but of course they 've had nails in the , you know , the head like I made the cab some cabinets you know .
4 I mean the feeling that I got from our research was that there are certain things that are absolutely basic to a good relationship between the school and the parent .
5 But I know from our Charlton Athletic days exactly what he can do .
6 Meanwhile , at Althorp Street , Mrs Sugden kept her wireless on loud and continuously , and on the morning of 10 July 1943 , I heard from our bedroom some dramatic news .
7 As far as I remembered from our arrival , the boatyard lay down a lane with no houses nearby : I 'd have a fair run in my socks to find help .
8 my Lord I think so yes , erm if I can just say this I understand on the structures that a letter has been , er , an offer has been made by a letter erm of the structure and obviously there would be and that , that was done I think some time ago , erm and it might be my Lord how to what sort of structure is , but , but , erm I think from our side , erm we , we 've taken the first step and we 're going
9 Frankly I think from our colleagues in the conservative party should n't really be wasting our time here with these silly motions , erm what 's needed is if you 're gon na improve the housing situation in the city and in the country as a whole , we need to be allowed to use our capital receipts , all the ones we 've piled up , and we need to also inject money into the national economy to build new homes and incidentally to get the economy moving again and start bringing down the level of unemployment .
10 ‘ You forget , ’ Andrevitch said , his eyes gleaming , ‘ I come from our submarine service . ’
11 Well it , it , it , it 's moving a bit in that direction , I mean I knew what their prediction was cos they kindly supplied it to me , which is why I made the point , but I mean as as you know from our proof we have a higher view of the demographic requirements in York even than that , for reasons that were amply discussed in general on on day one , to do with vacant dwellings , mortality , and I think still probably a difference in migration between us on York , which is statistical rather than environmental , but I think it is important to have that established early on that that even in the County Council 's view , and with their , as it were , doubts about the statistics which they themselves use , that er there is more need generated in York , however much it is , than York itself can accommodate , and that is of course without York city 's seven hundred addition for reducing concealed and sharing households which is not in the County Council 's figures .
12 As you know from our submission , sir , n we 've taken a more modest requirement for the Greater York area , and that 's based to some extent upon what we think is is achievable there , we 're not saying that erm the figure should not be higher , we 're not saying that the H B F figure for instance should nu not be er put in there , but what we 're saying is if that higher figure does go in because of the clear constraints on the provision of additional land the the higher figure may well mean that there 's a need for two new settlements ra rather than just one .
13 What you get from our work is small things that are very important in becoming part of your life .
14 As you drive from our patchwork countryside into towns like Saumur , Angers , Nantes or Le Mans , your journey takes you back hundreds of years .
15 You will recall , however , that before you vanished from our lives you entrusted me with the notes you had kept while working on the Big Glass and the Green Box , telling me I could do what I liked with them , and adding , in your usual sensitive way , that I could always use them to wipe my arse if the paper decided to sack me and I found myself really hard up .
16 ‘ Mortal — how else did you vanish from our sight in the Great Tower ? ’
17 Your mother , mademoiselle , left a trail of devastation behind her when she departed from our lives .
18 We As you see from our press releases , certainly not encouraging children to go out
19 She comes from our way see , so she 'd come through your way
20 Transport was scarce and we had to carry special identity cards when we moved from our own villages .
21 Oh aye that 's why we moved from our house she had me up , had played bloody hell over it , no bugger was getting no sleep
22 I particularly enjoyed my visit to the Battlefield line at Shackerstone whose new extension we visited from our lunch train .
23 Now these are the minimum standards we expect from our salesmen .
24 We were helpless but spurred our mothers into action with our cries for milk or affection , and through our lives we learn how to get what we want from our parents , partners or children . )
25 Whatever we want from our lives now — the Booker Prize , a recording contract , a promotion , a Porsche convertible , the girl at the Virgin Megastore checkout desk — we can not possibly have coveted it for as long as we have cherished dreams of football glory , dreams which have remained fundamentally unchanged since childhood .
26 The great idea had been to hold Saturday Classes open also to members of the Women 's League and the Keep Fit Association , but in the event we encountered from our Sister Organisations a most unsisterly and almost total absence of support .
27 Likewise it would be equally regrettable if in finding so much satisfaction from the face , we withheld from our children the artistry of creating a mask .
28 Even so , we learnt from our visits to schools that , in some places , richer and broader work than we outline is already being done very successfully .
29 We just sat and nattered , about various Christmas holidays we recalled from our individual childhoods .
30 WWF only exists because of the money we receive from our supporters .
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