Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She closed her eyes for a second , and then opened them to see a glimpse of concern on Guy Sterne 's dark face .
2 To make a start , drill a number of holes close together then join them using a chisel which can be tapped with a mallet .
3 You switch between them using a memory — resident utility .
4 Even having formatted column C to show dates you have to enter them using a date function .
5 It is therefore necessary to pick up the optical signals , convert them into electrical signals , amplify them using a repeater and re-convert them into optical signals every so often along the way .
6 with the thought of them using a saucepan .
7 Poems order experience and share it ; understanding them and writing them involves an act of creativity , and in both activities there is a kind of joy involved when the order of words , or insight into the effect of that order , corresponds with the way things are .
8 A passenger sitting next to me flung a coin into the river with great enthusiasm .
9 This hatred of Lloyd George on the part of both Baldwin and MacDonald made it very difficult for the Conservative or Labour Parties to contemplate either coalition with the Liberals , or even a tacit understanding with them to sustain a minority government ; and the politics of the 1920s can not therefore be understood without appreciating the widespread antagonism both to coalition and to Lloyd George personally .
10 Two thirds of them scratch a living from the soil .
11 If no appropriate child restraint is available for children aged 1 to 4 years old , it is safer for them to wear an adult belt alone , rather than no restraint at all .
12 If we look at the Church we find the numbers of monks and secular clergy growing , especially in the eleventh and twelfth centuries ; we also find that more and more of them lived a life of celibacy after the papal reform .
13 In 1860 , Baron Karl von Reichenbach ( the discoverer of creosote ) published the results of numerous experiments with sensitives using techniques which enabled them to sense an energy which he called ‘ the odic force ’ , ‘ od ’ or ‘ odyle ’ .
14 ‘ Designing a ring is always a lengthy process which involves me producing a number of drawings until the customer and I get it right between us .
15 ‘ I believe I have two more years of top-class rugby in me and I want them to include a return to the England team . ’
16 There is nothing wrong with the service and tourism sectors , but overreliance on them produces an economy just as vulnerable to recession as previous versions built around heavy manufacturing industry .
17 One or other of them drafted a statement which was a flat denial that he had misbehaved either sexually or politically .
18 ‘ Do n't be so fucking patronising , ’ she said , turning her back on me to continue a conversation with Geraldine Porter .
19 Exchange visits between company and school have kept the project going and Courtaulds is now looking at the possibility of helping them design a fibre spinning rig .
20 Shortly after the formation of Apple Films ( a subsidiary of the Beatles ' Apple Corps Ltd ) , Ringo and his associate Hilary Gerard had approached us to help them make a film about Arthurian legends and " Magical Britain " .
21 But do n't let them make a pig of you .
22 you know I can understand now the people that have n't got the truth , when one of the , the mate , when the mate dies whether a woman or a , or a , or a husband dies , they want to die , they do n't want to live because I felt that , I felt that , what 's there , what 's there me left to live , my kids they 're , they have their own families , there all time , they have no time , I brought up three children , I have a full time job and I have time for every one of them to look after and to bring them up and to set them on their way to live and not one of them became a prisoner or something , you know , they 're all have nice jobs and , and nice kid nice people , one , nobody 's in the truth the boys
23 One of them became a cardinal , and , in 1130 , pope — or , as he came to be reckoned , an anti-pope .
24 Carvajal was survived by a wife and two sons : one of them became a broker on the exchange , but neither of them seems to have married .
25 Children were prohibited from smoking in the streets and the sale of tobacco to them became an offence .
26 But erm , yes , so I still do n't know what 's happening with that yet , and I 'm waiting also for them to confirm a date for this first sort of Do Business in France seminar , that we 're going to help them with , which was originally going to be February , and is now going to be March .
27 ‘ It would appear there is every chance of them maintaining a relationship in the future . ’
28 ( You 've made me make a mistake . )
29 Have your tea , then you can either go up to the nursery and play or come in the kitchen with me and help me make a pie , whichever you like . ’
30 Let me make a toast .
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