Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] for him " in BNC.

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1 I want a divorce , that 's what I want , but he 'll not budge as long as he 's drawing two salaries and has me cooking for him — but I 'll not eat with him , I stick myself in that tiny kitchen in there — can you imagine the life I lead ?
2 Roberto had written and asked me to carry for him in that year 's Open .
3 Then he told me to wait for him after I had visited my father , and said that he would try to think of a way to help me without arousing any suspicion .
4 " Matthew has asked me to work for him again . "
5 The child can have his football boots because the words ‘ we ca n't afford it ’ will be linked to the long-gone and not-lamented past : the tyrant can not control against the will of the subject because he can not frighten his people with notions of helplessness and poverty : the employer will have to charm and wheedle his workers if he wants them to work for him : he will have to sing and dance to entertain them : enthuse them with pleasure for their daily toil : they will be paid with the world 's respect , and all around them there will be abundance .
6 And then J. D. O'Connor , who edits the Clarion Cry , had asked me to write for him — almost as a joke at first — about women 's lives .
7 I was told that the manager had gone to lunch , and when I asked for him to be bleeped I was told again that he had gone to lunch and that he had left his bleep at the switchboard — all in a tone that suggested that this was standard behaviour .
8 That 's why I asked for him rather than his partner who is , so I 've been told , both charming and susceptible . ’
9 I mean for him to ring you back and speak to you , i i he , he 's been concerned about it as well .
10 This is clear from words which Mercadier himself dictated in 1196 : " I fought for him strenuously and loyally .
11 " Alas , it 's not physical danger that I fear for him or rather , I fear that too , but since we are all in God 's hands I trust that He will not forsake us no , it 's another danger that I fear for him .
12 " Alas , it 's not physical danger that I fear for him or rather , I fear that too , but since we are all in God 's hands I trust that He will not forsake us no , it 's another danger that I fear for him .
13 After the winner I rode for him at York . ’
14 It would be most upsetting if Captain Auden were to hear I had shown you the implant I designed for him . ’
15 But when I send for him , by the evening , when his day 's work is over , he 'll come .
16 But the day I send for him , he will come . ’
17 ‘ So I cook for him , it 's a cross and a penance .
18 Now , she thought , now Edouard will have what I know he wants so desperately , what I want for him .
19 I worry for him .
20 I , I looking for him cos they er , I mean he is a old farmer .
21 ‘ Never will I send for him , never ! ’ she promised herself .
22 He lingers over that and I wait for him to ask why I was visiting a Communist state .
23 But I wait for him to start it — and then I just finish it off . ’
24 I wait for him to come back up but he does n't .
25 And he demands that I create for him a mate , a gigantic Eve to give him solace . ’
26 And now , she thought ( because I have in spite of all , a heart ) : I weep for him , because of him , a whole waterfall of diamonds …
27 As Caesar lov 'd me , I weep for him ; as he was fortunate , I rejoice at it ; as he was valiant , I honour him ; but — as he was ambitious , I slew him .
28 Seve finished second to Johnny Miller and after that I caddied for him until the end of 1979 .
29 ‘ You must get your loyalties right and if Nigel wants me I ride for him .
30 I prayed for him to be filled with the Spirit .
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