Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [to-vb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Then she said : ‘ So you see , I 'm making myself as unpleasant as I can — and I assure you I can ! — to make them want to get rid of me as soon as possible . ’
2 It nearly killed them to acknowledge my existence and they only spoke in monosyllables when I was present , but the babble of sound which broke out every time I went out and closed the door behind me was enough to make me want to go rushing straight to Miss Malley to beg her to send me back to my friends .
3 I got on my bike and went back to the house a bit recklessly , shooting through puddles on the path and taking the Jump — a bit on the path where there 's a long downhill on a dune and then a short uphill where it 's easy to leave the ground — at a good forty kilometres per hour , landing with a muddy thump that nearly had me in the whin bushes and left me with a very sore bum , making me want to keep opening my mouth with the feeling of it .
4 The Secretary of State put before us a whole catalogue of countries that have ballistic missile capability , and a substantial number of them appear to have embarked on a nuclear weapons programme .
5 Do I want to go hunting Easter eggs ?
6 I have n't been in yet because when I do I want to have bought the silk flowers for the old lady .
7 In this respect also I regret to have to say that the stated approach of the justices was seriously flawed .
8 I regret to have to tell the House that a bomb planted by the Provisional IRA exploded in Musgrave Park hospital at 3.53 pm last Saturday , killing two soldiers and injuring 11 other people , among them a five-year-old girl and a baby of four months .
9 ‘ Ladies and gentlemen , I regret to have to inform you that , due to an accident to Mr. Banks , we will be unable to continue the performance . ’
10 I mean to stop hating , but to go on fighting for what is right for my people . ’
11 I mean to have to work out from first principles erm four plus three is seven every time , you may be able to do that with great understanding , but there 's an awful waste of time if you 've got to understand it each time .
12 I have enjoyed the closest possible co-operation with Chancellor Kohl in the past year and I intend to continue to do so in the same capacity in years to come .
13 An hour that I intend to use making sure that everyone , including your friend Lewis , understands what our relationship is !
14 ‘ Only that bad publicity has a nasty habit of surfacing , and that 's the last thing I intend to let happen at this crucial stage . ’
15 Well , we 've made some progress in some areas , but not as much as I would 've liked , although I intend to keep working at it .
16 In 1977 Hunt said : ‘ I intend to keep going full chat until the day I retire because it makes sense .
17 I intend to start building two ponds in my garden .
18 I intend to start making furniture as a hobby .
19 I intend to help give it to you .
20 I sought to interrupt to confess that I was responsible .
21 By this time I was becoming a little dissatisfied with the imprinting set-up that had become the stock in trade of my lab over the past few years , and I planned to try using an alternative form of learning in the chick .
22 If I end up back there , she might just be interested enough in what I got to say to do some investigating of her own . ’
23 It ai n't like I 'm going nowhere special — it 's just so cold I got to move to keep from freezing .
24 I try it for a bit — you know , pretending that I 'm all frozen , but someone on a bike comes down the path and I got to move to get out the way .
25 ‘ Anyways , I know that you still wan na ask 'bout a thousand other questions — do n't need imminence for that — but you need to use the facilities while I 'm here , and then I got to go hunting to keep the guys off my case . ’
26 I hate to keep repeating myself , but you really are wasting your time .
27 I hate to keep bringing them up , but somehow the scum have managed to keep a large squad of mainly international players together .
28 He said , " I hate to have to ask , but could you let me have the twenty pounds ?
29 I hate to have to admit it , but I had a disaster the other week at a class .
30 oh I hate to have to work , I hate lawn mowers like that they 're annoying
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