Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [noun pl] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Also children want to learn , to enable them to acquire qualifications needed for the jobs they would like to do when they leave education .
2 Johnson , outlining a preference for vegetable derivatives rather than animal , said , ‘ I have often thought , that , if I kept a seraglio , the ladies should all wear linen gowns , or cotton — I mean stuffs made of vegetable substances ’ and declared a hatred for silk : ‘ you can not tell when it is clean . ’
3 I designed windows suited to all positions , and of all varieties of size form and grouping doorways cornices parapets and imaginary combinations of all these , carefully studying to make them all thoroughly by practical , and suited to the class of building .
4 " I want hardwoods planted up that hill , " he waved his arm in the direction from which they had come .
5 Now I mentioned bonuses paid at proof stage .
6 I mentioned bonuses paid at proof stage .
7 ‘ You 'll be busy tomorrow and besides , I like things done with plenty of time to spare . ’
8 Whether or not I like Acts passed by this Parliament , if it passes them I accept them .
9 Er suggested that the officers have a joint meeting and get together and actually ask them what transport to be given the figures er for night flights so that they could and so on , and I know by the recent customer complaints and I believe members attended the meeting of those four Councils so that I think that discuss that .
10 Yes , I believe noses run in your family
11 I suppose things made such indelible impressions on us because we had so little .
12 After reading statements in the case , the judge went on : ‘ I could hardly accept it until I saw things found in their house ’ .
13 On a number of occasions I saw birds entangled in these ‘ snares ’ .
14 I saw skies split by lightning , granite waves
15 I saw babies flung from windows … burning people jumping for their lives ’
16 From the window ledge in the living room I saw men dressed in dark clothes and wearing dark hats knocking on all the doors in the street .
17 thought it could be so easy to put me thoughts on a piece of paper could help me so much I think that 's what I thought patterns structured
18 Then , not more than a week later , I was coming down the back corridor from the kitchen when Miss Kenton came out of her parlour and uttered a statement she had clearly been rehearsing ; this was something to the effect that although she felt most uncomfortable drawing my attention to errors made by my staff , she and I had to work as a team , and she hoped I would not feel inhibited to do similarly should I notice errors made by female staff .
19 I had lights put in the coal cellar and wash house too while he was at it .
20 " When I was young I had earrings shaped like hoops , too .
21 I had enquiries made as to the origins of the zombis , but no one knew where they had come from .
22 My husband and I had photographs taken of ourselves with our firstborn when he was a week or so old ; in the pictures we all look happy and contented .
23 ‘ Before the hearing I had witnesses lined up , but they never came down to interview either me , my son Mark or the witnesses , ’ said Hoad yesterday .
24 DNase I footprinting experiments performed in presence of saturating concentrations of CytR , show that the retarded complex consists of CytR bound to the sequence that has previously been identified as the CytR binding site on larger deoP2 fragments ( 6 ; data not shown ) .
25 Lot seventy nine is the Pathe now showing , Lot seventy nine and I have pounds offered for it and sixty , any more at one sixty ?
26 I have windows broken at regular intervals and suffer a lot of abuse and foul language when I ask them to move .
27 I have receipts signed by Meyer in the safe — he did n't want to provide them but a little arm-twisting works wonders .
28 After nearly eight years of working as an editor of the NI , I have facts embedded in my brain and figures coming out of my ears .
29 I sing floods muzzled and the Ocean tam 'd
30 When one kneels on the seat I see heels cracked like earth and , on some , toes that seem almost to be growing together like tubers .
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