Example sentences of "[pers pn] [verb] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Because it 's their own fault for going to , nobody told them to go and do it , did they ?
2 In the second account , Jesus told them to go and show themselves to the priests , and while they were on their way they discovered they were cured .
3 She was stuck there with the bags , she could n't leave them to go and pick the child up .
4 I tell them to go and fuck themselves .
5 The alarm will trigger in a central control point and the people there will either ring a neighbour to ask them to go and see what the problem is , or immediately ring the emergency services .
6 I feel that these difficulties have gone on too long for there to be a realistic prospect of change in time for these children and given their improvement whilst in foster care , where they are not brought up in their parents ' conflict , it is not in the children 's interests for them to go and live with the father and that they need to be placed in an environment with permanent substitute parents , who can meet the boys ' physical , emotional , educational and social needs .
7 People come here looking for a Rottweiler as a guard dog — I tell them to go and buy a burglar alarm .
8 ‘ I told them to go and camp on Rickling Heath , which is public land , if they must stay .
9 Another good homework task for some clients is to encourage them to go and try deliberately to provoke and control a panic attack .
10 What makes them think and function in the way they do ?
11 A transformational change is orchestrated by the organization 's executive managers , who must have access to a model that enables them to diagnose and manage the change process .
12 Now , however , I want to concentrate on the 15 years during which the two of them lived and worked together , and Pollock made a bid to change the course of what was then thought of as modern art .
13 As the throng around me rippled and shifted , I had seen the occupants of two other , larger tables .
14 He and his friends would have me scoffed and hounded out of the county rather than see my house completed .
15 When the Cruithin said , ‘ The Enchantment is lost to us , ma'am , ’ Grainne turned to them , her eyes brilliant , and said , ‘ But we shall find it again , ’ and saw them nod and smile , and felt suddenly and deeply happy .
16 Or would it better to speak with Carl and Sam first — let them explain and give comfort to Ma ?
17 Local artist Hazel Albarn has been working with ten and 11-year-olds and their teachers , helping them design and create large sculptures relating to their other work topics .
18 We duly wrote to the CAA , asking them to confirm or deny this practice .
19 In addition to the process of education and a negotiated programme for overcoming the chosen difficulty , the client is taught a number of specific skills which will assist them to combat and overcome their feelings of anxiety .
20 To meet senior executives ' needs , the information must enable them to monitor and control the organisation 's activities against its strategy and objectives , and contribute to an effective strategic decision-making process .
21 All finalists will be introduced to an appropriate book-keeping system , enabling them to monitor and control their businesses in a professional manner .
22 On a trip to Dublin two of them asked and received permission to share a double room away from ‘ the children ’ .
23 It is just that the world automatically tends to become full of those varieties of clay ( or DNA ) that happen to have properties that make them persist and spread themselves about .
24 Orcadai gestured them to silence and paced the length of the room .
25 I put it back in the trunk , disappointed that there was nothing right for me to wear and wondering what I was going to do , for I wanted to go out with Sally .
26 She bade them sit and brought a tray of wine , cups , and a bowl of sugared wafers .
27 When I arrived ten minutes before her at one stop ( advance means a few minutes ahead as well as two months ) I found that two ladies in wheelchairs had positioned themselves at the foot of the stairs and were pleading with everyone to let them stay and shake hands with Mrs Thatcher .
28 now they 're asking me to go and sit down between them ,
29 Do you want me to go and make you another one ?
30 ‘ It 'll be time for me to go and collect Maria soon — ‘
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