Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh pn] make [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Er and it is that minority of unscrupulous traders who make life very difficult for you and of course make life very difficult for Trading Standards .
2 There was treachery even in the executive branch of William 's government : as Paul Hopkins has shown , Jacobites received constant information from the secretaries ' clerks on warrants and charges against them , and the messengers who made arrests and detained prisoners were often not reliable .
3 Clients who make money with licensed dealers , by accident or design , imagine this is what usually happens .
4 From boys ' own beauty to designers who make scents — all for you
5 Our National President , Steve Gauld , closed the Convention and we offered our thanks and gratitude to all those who had made the weekend such a success , to Tim Cain who kept all the sessions to time ; to the exhibitors who supported us so well ; to all the members and outside speakers who made presentations ; to the staff of Keele University who served us so well in all areas ; and to Joe Bennett who organised the whole thing , sorted out the speakers , took our bookings and generally made sure it all went well .
6 Table 1 gives some more detail , in this we exclude all subjects who made losses in excess of £10 .
7 Mr Bell said : ‘ The people who really matter are the businessmen who make wealth , these people just made money .
8 Parents who make demands which are regarded as excessive are resented by their children ( even if they actually meet some of those demands ) , as are those who engage in emotional manipulation or divide the sibling group against each other ( Firth , Hubert and Forge , 1970 , ch. 12 ) .
9 It is enthusiastically fuelled by the advertisers and made respectable by successive governments of all countries who make consumerism into a summum bonum .
10 Parliament passed the bill and thereafter a creditor no longer had the power to detain a debtor already in prison at his pleasure , since the man could at once petition the Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors for his discharge on the terms of his whole property , present and future , being given up for distribution among his creditors — and not only in London but to Commissioners who made circuits to hear such petitions in country districts .
11 Led by Frenchman Yann Sylvian , Halo is a group of artists , sculptors , photographers and technicians who make art you can dance to .
12 Those attending represented Honda , Mitsubishi Motors , Fuji Heavy Industries , TI Japan and many other companies and institutions who made KITEC possible including the Japan Development Bank and local officials from the town of Kitsuregawa .
13 The Fundació is committed to mounting changing exhibitions examining facets of Tàpies ' work ; showing and promoting non-Western art forms , and curating retrospectives of contemporary artists who make connections between art and society such as Wodiczko , Louise Bourgeois and Jannis Kounellis .
14 One of the points that distinguishes Green from many of the artists who made prints of the Lake District at this period was the fact that he was one of the few who prepared and drew on the plates and etched the images himself .
15 ‘ Messy builders ’ clean up the act BUILDERS who made residents ' lives a misery have cleaned up their act .
16 However , it is not just beginners who make mistakes and get caught out .
17 Knights who made contact with men of this kind could not but be touched by their qualities .
18 For Sumner , law embodies the appearance of reality produced by social relations , so that , for example , an employment contract appears as a consensual contract between equals ( a point also made by Hunt ) , but it also embodies those appearances as they have been seen and interpreted by classes and groups who make laws .
19 So Scotland coach Andy Roxburgh will surely stick with the midfielders who made mincemeat of the CIS in Norrkoping last July .
20 The enumerators were amateurs who made mistakes and sometimes misunderstood their instructions , and human errors occurred when the original schedules were copied onto the printed forms .
21 Individuals who make donations can not otherwise claim tax-exemption on their contributions and 3 .
22 For breakthroughs in religion are made by individuals who make sense of the mystery of existence not in their minds but in their hearts .
23 These are two of the messages which emerged from a small-scale survey of individuals who made enquiries about courses but who did not appear to follow up earlier expressions of interest .
24 A hollow hooray for Hollywood Joan McAlpine detects a cynical streak among the film-makers who make fortunes from bringing violence to the screen
25 Strength was still predominantly in the counties ; the English counties returned almost half of the parliamentary party , the squires who made Walter Long such a force , and of these 128 MPs over a hundred owned land or lived in the division that they represented , a strong territorial base .
26 Mrs Shaw also thanked relatives who made contributions in memory of relatives , in particular those who sent donations in remembrance of the late Tom Herring , of Merrybent , Ken Green , of Darlington , and Cyril Gargett , of Newton Aycliffe .
27 Unlike the rest of Europe , including even Switzerland , it is not a criminal offence to launder money in Germany , although a bill proposed last week would force credit institutes to identify customers who make transactions worth more than £10,500 , or place deposits above £17,500 .
28 However , there can be little sympathy for firms who make devices or software deliberately designed to permit the copying of works which are copy-protected .
29 To the extent that R&D is undertaken by independent firms merely in order to ensure that they innovate before their rivals or to prevent rivals from producing new products which displace those that currently generate rents , then firms who make R&D decisions co-operatively may do less R&D than they would if they were independent .
30 After all , would you like to have the fat cats who make Exocets and Harrierjets tell us when and where we should go to war ?
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