Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh pn] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 She could see him as a prototype for the border entrepreneur trapped here in the decline and fall of this precarious city , the market-stallholder , the baths attendant , the potter , the vegetable grower , any one of the native opportunists who had rallied to serve and exploit this hothouse community of time-expired settlers and pay-happy leave-men .
2 This image is eagerly developed by the popular press , which almost daily produces the most ridiculous and exaggerated accounts of the tiny minority of bankrupts who have run up extremely large debts .
3 It shares this reputation with countries that were once British colonies and which massacred native peoples who had lived in harmony with nature : Canada , the US , Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand .
4 This vision is like that which Eliot praised in his childhood favourite , Kipling , whose Puck of Pook 's Hill and Rewards and Fairies particularly ‘ give at once a sense of the antiquity of England , of the number of generations and peoples who have labored the soil and in turn been buried beneath it , and of the contemporaneity of the past ’ .
5 Fans who 've bought tickets are now being offered seats on the new tour .
6 Once in the car on their way to the reception , Ace , still smiling at the hundreds of fans who had turned up , spoke out of the side of his mouth .
7 Goals from Jimmy Quinn — his first for three and a half years — and Philip Gray — his first in a Northern Ireland shirt — lifted the hearts of 6,500 fans who had braved the inclement elements .
8 There can not have been any English fans who had expected their team to win the series , but the manner in which they were just being steam-rollered seemly scarcely credible .
9 We owe it to the fans who have made all this possible . ’
10 The players owe a debt to the club and those long-suffering fans who have made them among the best paid in the game .
11 Has there ever been a tennis player that has written in to say ‘ thank you ’ to their fans who have stood by them through all their traumas and their losses , who have stood for hours in the rain or slept out in the streets to get a look at their idols ?
12 To the football fans who have followed his exploits Nicholas is ‘ Champagne Charlie ’ , the John Travolta of Scotland and the uncrowned king of the late licence .
13 Nor will millions of fans who have lost out to the all-consuming demands of TV .
14 I feel sorry for the fans who have travelled all this way to see that . ’
15 HANDS UP those cricket fans who have heard of Johnny Miller ?
16 However , on the eve of today 's clash with Coventry at Highbury , which could result in Arsenal going top , Graham hit back at the fans who have attacked Dixon .
17 As I disentangled myself from the green wool , I had been linked not only to these women beside me , but to those in Canaan and all the other women through the centuries who have wept over the death of the gods of life , of love , and of hope , whom they tried to revive with their tears .
18 All the female rappers who 've fallen in line with the misogynist myth by calling themselves degrading names like BYTCHES WITH PROBLEMS , OVERWEIGHT POOCH and HOES WIT' ATTITUDE .
19 And people in arrears who had bought at the top of the market could n't sell as their outstanding loan was often more than the value of their property .
20 Those earlier showmen who had controlled the music-halls and vaudeville thought at first that they could incorporate film into their little empires but they were swept aside by new showmen who knew that there were vast audiences to be captured and that the old theatrical format was far too restricted .
21 I make this point after returning from a day 's walking near Ullswater when I was approached by a party of walkers who had followed me for some distance thinking that I was headed for the same destination .
22 The walkers who had wangled the lift with him looked as if they had been told they had a week to live , suggesting the car conversation must have fulfilled my expectations .
23 Walkers who have visited the caves and potholes already mentioned , and enjoyed doing so , will be sorely tempted to stay on the limestone shelf and search for the dozen or more other similar openings hereabouts and then return to the Hill Inn for refreshment .
24 There needs to be a long term education of cyclists and I sincerely apologise to those walkers who have had any bad experiences .
25 In some places the path we followed was marked out by deep scratches in the rocks , made by the claws of countless rockhopper penguins who have followed the same traditional route for centuries .
26 But consider my fellow passengers , ill-starred wretches who have managed to get hold of a stick with two ends ; they have succeeded in working and living in horrific places .
27 What the thing of course is , and we all know what it is , it 's an effort to penalise those secondary schools who 've gone grant maintained , but they do n't get the extra money , they get a hundred pound a pupil less .
28 The schools who 've volunteered to help the orphans will meet the cost of the air fares and fees themselves .
29 At the time of writing I am involved , as I mentioned , in some surveys of visitors to the British Museum and I am hoping that we shall be able to get some schools who had had organized visits to the museum , to obtain essays about the visit from the children involved .
30 Mr Hanley made his remarks at a Project Day in Belfast 's City Hall at which he presented awards to pupils from 33 primary and secondary schools who had taken part in the Belfast Action Teams ' Schools Initiative .
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