Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh pn] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 However , those who have exhausted their rights to Unemployment Benefit , in other words who have been unemployed for longer than one year , have to work for at least 13 weeks .
2 This was not , however , immediately apparent to those photographers , instrument makers and lanternists who had been fired up to experiment with moving pictures after hearing reports of Edison 's Kinetoscope , the original what-the-butler-saw machine , or witnessing the first projection of films made by the Lumière Brothers in 1896 .
3 The diehard Smiths fans who 've been turning their backs on Morrissey over the last couple of years would be wise to give this a spin and do jerky , twisty , dancing type things in their front room . ’
4 Lawrence said the team had to deliver for fans who had been let down in recent years .
5 Not only are Arsenal losing , but they are failing to score — just one goal from seven games — and it 's beginning to have an effect on fans who have been accustomed to rolling with the good times .
6 Dublin said : ‘ I hope my first goal will now help me settle and show I can score more for the club and the fans who have been so good . ’
7 Party leaders are concerned at the growing gap between Communists active in parliament in Warsaw , and those in the provinces who have been slow to catch on to the change .
8 Show me the tyrants who have been great lovers .
9 You would reach your market more economically in a women 's magazine where the percentage of readers who knit is known to be high .
10 And there are readers who have been deeply moved and impressed in the ways that we have described by books that can not be described as the best of anything .
11 When asked to talk through her technique , she appears reticent , suggesting that it is a little too simplistic and old-fashioned , perhaps too naive for those readers who have been to art school .
12 Readers who have been following this series will remember that the latter pair were met in Part 5 ( March , 1992 issues ) .
13 When asked to talk through her technique , she appears reticent , suggesting that it is a little too simplistic and old-fashioned , perhaps too naive for those readers who have been to art school .
14 Readers who have been to one of my knit-club talks , will remember the prototype shown there which I referred to as the ‘ Knit-club Jumper ’ , because of the ease of making the basic jumper look different at each club meeting , just by changing the collar !
15 Our apologies to all our readers who have been struggling with this .
16 It is these aspects which might surprise and even refresh those readers who have been brought upon a strict diet of formal , objective research papers , and which constitute one of the differing dimensions of action research .
17 Part of this myth is perpetrated by educationists who have been no nearer a press shop than a picture in a newspaper ; parents also see their offspring in cleaner , more ‘ respectable ’ jobs .
18 ANTI-RACISM campaigners visited Darlington yesterday to speak to Asian market traders who have been the victims of racist abuse .
19 A few years later , however , the distant future showed every indication of having already arrived when these nagging anxieties grabbed the headlines around the large numbers of recruits who had been found unfit for service in the Boer War , and in spite of the half-hearted reassurances of the Physical Deterioration Committee of 1904 fears of racial deterioration were rampant .
20 The mob was demanding the eviction of Meshketians who had been temporarily rehoused in Parkent after being evacuated in February from other parts of Tashkent oblast ( region ) to escape pogroms against their communities .
21 On Oct. 26 , 1989 , the House of Representatives fulfilled a commitment made in 1988 [ see p. 37081 ] when they voted that $20,000 should be paid to each of 62,000 Japanese-Americans who had been interned during the Second World War .
22 Fighters who have been in with him are never the same again , ’ he said last week .
23 For Mordecai it was a symbolic birthplace , for he was a direct descendant from one of the millions of Jews who had been evacuated from the Middle East in 1990 .
24 Even Jews who had been released from concentration camps on strict condition that they left the Fatherland immediately were obliged to pay for the round trip .
25 Thirteen middle-ranking securities firms followed the example of the four largest houses by making available the lists of those clients who had been compensated and , like them , were subsequently fined by the Japan Securities Dealers Association .
26 I have received a number of requests recently from clients who have been sent claims for payment which , while clearly including a VAT element , contain the words ‘ this is not a VAT invoice ’ .
27 The CAB service has taken the initiative in setting up a system of advisory sessions in which local solicitors , operating on a rota , give free legal advice to clients who have been ‘ booked in ’ to a special session by a local CAB .
28 It ensures that the solicitor only sees those clients who have been identified by a volunteer worker as being in need of professional advice ; it provides a free initial interview to encourage those who may be worried about cost ; and it permits the solicitor to take on those clients who may need more extensive legal assistance .
29 ( e ) Conflicts of interest Where firms involved in an amalgamation have previously acted for clients who have been involved in litigation against each other , the amalgamated firm must not accept instructions to act for any of those clients unless they are able to erect and maintain effective " Chinese Walls " and : ( 1 ) none of the solicitors involved are professionally embarrassed by continuing to act ; ( 2 ) all the clients have given their consent ; ( 3 ) those clients have received full and frank independent advice before giving their consent ; and ( 4 ) such continuing to act can be shown to be in the best interests of the clients .
30 The journalists who had been hired by him were based in Manchester .
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