Example sentences of "[noun pl] [am/are] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And just as laws and institutions are not the only means of controlling governments , so too they are not the only means available to governments for achieving their policy goals .
2 In times of crisis the budgets for cultural institutions are always the first to be suspended , and in some sense this is correct : I do n't want to compete with kindergartens .
3 Durkheim commented on the difficulty of regarding ‘ an enlightened Catholic of to-day as a sort of retarded savage ’ , but he provided the reminder that ‘ the most primitive religions are not the only ones which have attributed this power of propagation to the sacred character ’ .
4 It is , perhaps , ironic that those who hid away and escaped expulsion and quietly re-established themselves in their homelands are now the most prosperous redskins around .
5 : In some environments ( e.g. doctors ' note-taking on hospital wards ) speech or typed input would be deemed inappropriate for social reasons , whereas handwritten notes are already an established procedure ;
6 Your notes are ultimately a personal activity .
7 MALE lions are not the solitary , ferocious beasts that inhabit the jungles of Hollywood .
8 All the above examples of deaths , injuries , and economic losses caused by corporate acts are not the antics of one or two evil , or mentally disturbed , or relatively deprived senior employees .
9 It is said , in effect , that their acts are necessarily the company 's acts ; that their will , knowledge , and belief are those of the company , and that their consent necessarily implies consent by the company .
10 It the belief becomes current in public opinion that in the arguments between government and opposition it is not really a matter of opposing opinions being presented , then the impression will increasingly gain currency that parliamentary discussions are just a game .
11 The reasons are partly the growth of new research in technology and science but as important is the current of ideas and information generated by modern global media .
12 But there are many reasons , as you will see when we put our amendment asking why are budget proposals are different from the ruling groups but the main reasons are simply the ruling group 's refusal , for whatever reason , I just wan na hear the reasons .
13 As was pointed out in chapter 4 through Lévi-Strauss 's example of the Australian Churinga , material objects are often the principal means of objectifying a sense of the past .
14 For , as he says in the introduction to his essay on the tales of Henry James , ‘ criticism seeks to interpret a particular work , while structuralism , for its part , is a scientific method implying an interest in impersonal laws and forms , of which existing objects are only the realizations , ( 1973 : 73 ) .
15 No matter how one acts , desires have to depend upon resources to some extent ; actual possessions are partly the criterion of those aspired to .
16 The fife sentence prisoners are not the only ones serving long sentences ; Maidstone also contained 133 men serving sentences of 10 years or more when I visited .
17 Their accounts are primarily the taxman 's and the banks ' business .
18 In other public sector organizations which adopt the cash basis of accounting , the capital accounts are essentially the same as the revenue accounts although the two are kept separately .
19 However , table lamps are n't the right solution if you are a regular bedtime reader .
20 States are not the only actors ; the distinction between domestic and international societies is less clear-cut than before ; and international politics looks to be influenced increasingly less by military factors and more and more by economic issues .
21 It is now up a quarter on what it was 10 years ago , investments are up a third , productivity is up by a half and exports are up by three quarters .
22 However , Cellphones are not the only solution to maintaining contact with moving vehicles .
23 There was also the possibility of a more flexible use of facilities in the statutory , voluntary and private sectors , and , finally , the powerful influence of doctors over the lives of the chronically disabled would inevitably wane , a process of ‘ de-medicalization ’ which is largely to be welcomed as medical and nursing skills are only a small part of the required professional skills .
24 These skills are perhaps no better illustrated than by the finds from the ship-burial at Sutton Hoo .
25 His enemies are not the fearsome ape Donkey Kong or King Bowser the dragon — though they can be as deadly .
26 Even Father says the Germans are not a bad lot really .
27 The Russians are n't the only outsiders for whom there is no place in the new Germany .
28 These editorial policies are not the result of idiosyncratic requirements on the part of journal editors ; they are simply part of the disciplinary culture , which every aspiring academic has to pick up .
29 One approach to debunking the distinctiveness of the Thatcher record is to argue that the post-1979 policies are merely a continuation of earlier trends , for example , of the early economic policies of Mr Heath 's 1970 government or of the acceptance of monetary targets and abandonment of Keynesianism under the Callaghan — Healey regime in 1976 .
30 It is further evidence that its policies are merely the result of what its paymasters , the trade unions , say .
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