Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh det] they may " in BNC.

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1 Students taking the degree without honours have a choice of the subjects which they may take at a higher level .
2 Lectures feed learners with information , giving them a feeling of security because they have notes which they may then be able to regurgitate when answering a theoretical question .
3 Well as an association , we naturally get ourselves involved with many other aspects of the university activities in that erm both the students are applicants of ours and come and talk to us about projects which they may like to see emerge , and other departments of the university , the music department etc. , sometimes find that our knowledge of the area , or certain aspects of some of the schemes that we 're operating , coincide with what they 're trying to do and it turns out to be that campuses like this are often useful places for residencies and artists will come and take up residency in a university for a period of time , and that 's often been exploited by the Association .
4 Governors should recognise their power to co-opt on to their working groups , in a non-voting capacity , any member of the local community who could offer specific expertise and skills which they may be lacking .
5 Finally , there are the identifiable skills which they may or may not possess , such as numeracy , computing , communications and foreign languages , which to some extent cut across different degree subjects , and may be acquired on the growing number of ‘ employment skills ’ courses in higher education .
6 In this context , the material before the board indicated — ( 1 ) that investors were persuaded by company representatives employed by the Winchester Group to cancel their existing policies and to ‘ switch ’ to Norwich Union without their best interests and any disadvantages attendant upon so doing necessarily being considered ; ( 2 ) that other undesirable selling practices — for instance ‘ overselling ’ whereby investors are persuaded to take out a range of policies which they may not be able to afford in the long term — have been employed by company representatives selling on behalf of the Winchester Group ; ( 3 ) that the fact find forms completed by the Winchester Group for forwarding to Norwich Union were inadequate for the purposes of ensuring that products were only sold to investors on a ‘ best advice ’ basis ; ( 4 ) that the connections between Mr. Tee and Mr. Kissane ( a former director of the Winchester Group now awaiting trial on charges of theft of client moneys ) and also between the Winchester Group and Mr. Randhir Singh were such as to call into question the extent to which the controllers , directors and senior managers of the Winchester Group could be regarded as being of good character and competent or otherwise suitable to manage the marketing of investment contracts on behalf of Norwich Union and also whether the Winchester Group could be safely regarded as a fit and proper person for the purposes of enjoying appointed representative status ; ( 5 ) that policies had been sold by eight persons engaged by the Winchester Group who had not been appointed as company representatives of Norwich Union or in any other way authorised to sell investment contracts on behalf of Norwich Union and that other individuals who had been appointed as company representatives had not been registered as such with Lautro ; ( 6 ) that certain company representatives engaged by the Winchester Group appeared to be channelling client moneys through their own personal bank accounts .
7 Age Concern England receives thousands of enquiries a year about many of the problems which older people face and the changes which they may have to cope with .
8 The Arbitrators shall have power by their award to annul and/or amend the decision of the Disciplinary Committee or to do so subject to the performance of any conditions which they may think fit to impose .
9 ‘ It will be of particular interest to the library schools in central and eastern Europe , since it will open a window to the faculties , services and library culture of North America and western Europe , and will be available without taxing the limited foreign exchange resources which they may have . ’
10 Thus both sides have power resources which they may mobilize .
11 ‘ That the Dawson International Executive Share Option Scheme 1993 , the provisions of which are summarised in the Appendix to the letter to members of the Company dated 16th June 1993 , to be constituted by the Rules produced in draft to this meeting and for the purposes of identification initialled by the Chairman hereof , be and is hereby approved and the Directors be and are hereby authorised to do all acts and things which they may consider necessary or expedient for implementing and giving effect to the same including making such amendments to the Rules as may be necessary to gain the approval of the Inland Revenue . ’
12 Our main concern is with linear polymers and the ordered or semi-ordered structures which they may take up in solution , in the melt or in the solid state .
13 Because innkeepers are under specific duties imposed upon them by the Hotel Proprietors Act 1956 and at common law , they in return have certain rights which they may exercise over and above those which proprietors who are not innkeepers may exercise .
14 7.2.3 For elderly people , the proposals appear to overlook the difficulties which they may face if , for instance , the contract for cataracts or hip replacements is placed at a hospital some distance away .
15 The words mean the same things whatever they may be , so why should one be nicer or nastier than the other ?
16 Since we are using it for choices of ends , we can not treat the awareness it prescribes simply as a universal means to our ends whatever they may be , which is what the admonition suggests in ordinary discourse ( with the implication ‘ If you do n't you 'll suffer for it ’ ) .
17 We can never be sure how far clients ' perspectives are related to other behaviours or how far they are overwhelmed by the structural constraints which they may face .
18 The administration itself is of course no monolith and does not act as a single bloc , pursuing its interests whatever they may be .
19 That this can be done is borne out in practice , and it is sometimes noted that , in the course of treatment for some long-standing chronic condition , patients will re-experience old symptoms which they may have forgotten about .
20 It advises postgraduate students on courses offered in other departments and faculties which they may be able to incorporate into their own degree programmes .
21 In such circumstances it is natural that Ministers should want to implement without undue delay policies for changes in the legal framework of the criminal law and for dealing with offenders which they may have espoused before coming to power .
22 Members in categories 3 and 4 will be required to keep their own records which they may be required to submit to the Institute .
23 If you show it to other people it could form part of their records which they may later be obliged to disclose .
24 Second , the electorate will have every incentive to vote for more government services because they do not pay for them directly and individual tax payments may bear little ( if any ) relationship to the benefits which they may derive from such services .
25 ( also known as education social worker ) Education welfare officers liaise with Social Services Departments and are responsible for the general well-being of school children , not only ensuring that they attend school regularly but also dealing with grants , allowances and services which they may need to be able to attend ( e.g. clothing , transport , free school meals ) .
26 He is convinced the necessary seven member states whichever they may be can still meet the criteria for economic convergence which has been set as the minimum to permit a single currency in a majority of member states .
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