Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh det] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Our six case-study schools whose procedures for combating truancy we report at the end , regularly monitored attendance and absentee pupils rates and were alert to ways of keeping disaffected pupils in school .
2 The countries whose applications for membership are officially on the table at the time of writing are Austria ( which applied as long ago as 1989 ) , Sweden , Finland , Malta , Cyprus and Turkey .
3 As always they will go to businesses and organisations whose support for various aspects of the arts throughout 1992 has most impressed the ABSA judges who get down to the business of sifting through hundreds of entries early next month .
4 Often brilliant , they live in a rarefied atmosphere of books , bewildering their parents and grandparents whose plans for such daughters have to be abandoned .
5 The revival of Evangelicalism in the later part of the eighteenth century was taken up by the groups whose passion for reform , restricting drunkenness and violent sports , were opposed to the whole basis of the Sussex labourers ’ principal recreations ; simple religious faith in fundamentals among ordinary people may not have been much affected , but organised religion was probably largely irrelevant to the pattern of daily life .
6 Fundamentalism , whatever its religious version , provides a detailed and concrete programme for both individuals and society , even if it is one selected from texts or traditions whose suitability for the late 20th century is not obvious .
7 Much attention has been focused on the concept of ‘ reasonable excuse ’ , where the courts have attempted to impose a fairly stringent test on persons whose reason for carrying a weapon is said to be fear of attack .
8 Elections , for example , are not decided by those electors whose support for particular parties is relatively fixed , but by those relatively uncommitted individuals whose attitudes and voting choices may not set until nearer polling day .
9 Think of all those comedies which run for years in London with titles like ‘ No Sex Please , We 're British ’ and all that .
10 The radical Right drew attention to the fact that the public sector sheltered powerful vested interests whose claims for greater resources were theoretically boundless .
11 ‘ Realist ’ films like these drew ecstatic praise from the local critics whose enthusiasm for the national cinema was a new phenomenon .
12 Your young ladies what work for you , that is .
13 Liking , let alone loving , had never been a requisite for the majority of men whose capacity for making love was triggered more by the physical attributes of a woman than the quality of her personality or character !
14 In these cases , the prince might well be surrounded by vassals who owed him military service ; but they would be present not from obligation but from desire , and they would be accompanied by large numbers whose reason for being there had nothing to do with feudal ties or fidelity .
15 We were there , too , as we have been on the first weekend of June in each of the past four years ; the roistering boys whose fever for drink and song has been jaded , ever so slightly , by contemplation of middle age and the fingering of indigestion tablets .
16 As regards Sundays , only premises whose application for Sunday opening has been granted in accordance with Sched. 4 may have permitted hours ( subs .
17 Women whose respect for and understanding of difference extended only to the marginal realm of their lesbian sexual partner .
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