Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb -s] [adv] he " in BNC.

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1 I think he is security cos he 's been in a couple of times has n't he ?
2 he 's got such long rubber legs has n't he , he looked ridiculous , but he ai nt 'arf gone thin , he 's really gone thin so , now do I have to bake this blind first
3 He always chooses posh words does n't he ?
4 It 's useful for them to know what dads does when he leaves the house to go to work .
5 The author of the book of Judges shows when he was writing by remarking several times , " In those days there was no king in Israel ; every man did what was right in his own eyes . "
6 He got big brains has n't he ?
7 He eats funny things does n't he ?
8 Oh course granddad knows all about these things does n't he ?
9 surprise me but he 's got erm , he ha he wears glasses does n't he ?
10 Oh , he always gets extra priorities does n't he ?
11 He gets about fifty pounds does n't he ?
12 That 's the one he has his uses does n't he ?
13 Cos Geoffrey likes trains does n't he ?
14 So he 's got to try and get some other players has n't he ?
15 Yeah , but I mean he 's done all his windows has n't he , he 's adapted all his windows from that er
16 Yeah , Arthur cleans her windows does n't he ?
17 His extensive notes explains how he would calculate the exposure based on a proportion of the time being given when the sun was behind a cloud , with the balance being given as the sun emerged .
18 Well has Arthur got a Arthur has got two children has n't he ?
19 I said Wednesday and Thursday she said he goes in the afternoons does n't he .
20 If all he wants is to hitchhikers does n't he ?
21 He either under acts or over acts does n't he ?
22 He , well he go , he goes into people 's houses does n't he , with this , you know , this hidden camera well you should of seen the size of this bloke !
23 He makes me laugh he always writes in capital letters does n't he ?
24 He has his moments does n't he ?
25 Keep going , keep going , you 're a his moments does n't he ?
26 The one who will be in open an oppos opposition , the other a subtle infiltration. he comes in many guises does n't he ?
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