Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb -s] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 These various new proposals have now been put into effect and a Committee for Institutions has come into being .
2 The emphasis on fast food operations has brought into play appliances which concentrate extremely high temperatures on raw products containing fats and other volatile substances .
3 The National Association of Gay Switchboards has fallen into disuse .
4 FILMING of the new Hollywood blockbuster Super Mario Brothers has descended into chaos after a series of bitter on-set rows .
5 The bitterness of his early experiences has eaten into his soul , and he does not love the human race , though he does not denounce it , and dare not despair of its ultimate redemption .
6 Around five tonnes has spilt into the sea .
7 Throughout the post-1956 period , this most political of armies in this least reliable of countries has evolved into the greatest repository of Soviet trust .
8 But the personalities of the fossil hunters involved have ensured that this protective move by the Ethiopians has developed into an acrimonious tussle .
9 What started as a small local meeting for enthusiasts has grown into a spectaular display .
10 THE Institute of Directors has weighed into the election campaign with a late but confident vote for Toryism .
11 It seems that the procedure , just outlined , for the creation of new criminal offences has fallen into disuse .
12 Most of the literature that deals with indigenous psychologies fails to take into account the possible variations in this respect between not only the sexes , but between other social categories such as chiefs and commoners .
13 As answers to the ‘ fragmentation ’ question the category of leisure activities tends to merge into that of fantasy .
14 Failure to match performance to expectations has developed into something of a national neurosis .
15 Security chiefs are understood to be deeply annoyed that information about today 's celebrations has fallen into the hands of the IRA .
16 The dispute between Australia 's 1,700 pilots and the airlines has turned into the country 's most bitter industrial confrontation for many years .
17 The narrow emphasis on economy and efficiency which characterised the Thatcher years has broadened into a search for effectiveness and excellence as the current enthusiasm for quality in health care demonstrates .
18 Secondly , much effort over the years has gone into education for road safety , though the concentration on advice to adult pedestrians and training for children has the unfortunate effect of apparently placing on the victim the principal responsibility for avoiding an accident .
19 It was abandoned when the new church was built in 1909 and in less than severity years has fallen into complete ruin — a good indication of how severe the Dales weather can be and how quickly buildings succumb to its assault .
20 While British surfing in recent years has developed into Day-Glo sporting fantasy , into pipeline boasts in city pubs , and into Newquay , Newquay , Newquay — booming as the ‘ surf capital ’ of Britain — these boys have looked to carve a different route .
21 The drought of the previous three years has dissolved into into a huge downpour and now there 's more of a worry about being too much rather than not enough water .
22 Moreover , on the academic front , the detailed empirical study of electoral behaviour through sample surveys has come into its own so that we now have a great deal more information on which to explore the hopes and fears of those who took sides on the issue of democracy at the same time as we are provided with information to check out the reality of key elements of the responsible party model in Britain .
23 The world 's first commercial power station fuelled by chickens has come into operation at Eye in Suffolk .
24 However , managing these principles has to take into account the fact that :
25 In the latest number , The Body ( Penguin , £6.99 ) , the John Buchan among editors has turned into a David Cronenberg .
26 He still uses primary colours , but the subject for example , the yellow New York taxis with their red tail lights appears to dissolve into a wash of more subtle hues .
27 Particularly when the ability to be rational about specific issues becomes diverted into a petulant or punitive attitude , and one can not trust oneself to ‘ keep one 's cool ’ , yet the feelings demand expression , it may be easier to ‘ blow up ’ with those who seem less able to hit back effectively .
28 The love of the hills has got into your blood ,
29 The conclusions of this , and similar studies , were that research and other work relating to energy systems needs to take into account people 's behaviour and their learning processes .
30 What began as a London UK-based co-ordinating body for organisation of stunt kite competitions has grown into a worldwide association known as Stunt , Team And Competitive Kiting ( or STACK ) with representatives in over 14 nations .
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