Example sentences of "[noun pl] [was/were] like [art] " in BNC.

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1 Roman 's words were like a drug , pouring over her , evoking those helpless , hypnotic feelings of need and desire and hunger all over again .
2 The words were like a slap in the face .
3 The coolly spoken words were like a bucket of ice-cold water thrown in her face , but instead of restoring her composure it had the opposite effect of stoking her anger all the more .
4 His words were like a slap across her face .
5 His words were like a sharp slap that brought her to her senses .
6 His words were like a body-blow .
7 I was never thin like that and your father was a great big man , his legs were like the trunk of a tree . ’
8 Sometimes her eyes were like a satellite picture of earth , a marble swirling in space .
9 The tallest of the men looked down at Ruth ; his hair was bright silver , and his gold eyes were like an eagle 's .
10 The Chinese imagined that the Scots were like the Albanians — and appropriately enough we were taken to the Sino-Albanian Friendship Commune . )
11 These homes were like an unsavoury silo , places to store people rather than house them .
12 George feels that he has to make a decision on how to approach the next phase : ‘ Though I did n't wish to retire , the first three months were like a holiday .
13 The hammering of her heart in her ears was like a drum beating .
14 His name on her lips was like a plea , and with one swift movement he gathered her into his arms , pressing her against his powerful chest .
15 Eighteen months was like a lifetime .
16 His lips were drawn back in a snarl of pain , his skinny white limbs were like a frozen chicken 's .
17 Our movements were like a formal dance , always related to each other .
18 Bones was like a great bus and Hoomey had learnt to drive .
19 Its ‘ investigator ’ reported that : ‘ Browsing through the shelves was like a glimpse of a madhouse .
20 ‘ I 've always thought Carry On films were like a pair of old jeans .
21 He 'd never been one to exercise an over-imagination , yet the conditions were like the feeling of a tomb — of an interment .
22 Her memories were like a small , locked box of securities and because she knew they were there , safely there , she had no need to open them .
23 The rooms were like the passage , packed with antiques .
24 The locals were like a shoal of fish , gone , without exception , to another part of the water — or a flock of birds , called by some mystery to a different stretch of air .
25 His eyelashes were like the feathery brushes of a model 's compact .
26 By the end the Maidens were like a family .
27 The windows were like the windows of the children 's ward where Baby used to be , of white glass which you could n't see through .
28 Besides , ducks were like a lot of other animals and recognized in nomes the shape , if not the size , of humans and kept a safe distance away from them .
29 His fingers were like a circle of steel around the bones of her wrist as he began moving again .
30 Somebody singing … but the small Ruth , looking up from the rug , did n't like it ; the clear trickling notes were like a shiver down her back , like raindrops sliding down a windowpane .
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