Example sentences of "[noun pl] [is] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 The number of wines produced using traditional cultivation methods is increasing and standards governing these are being introduced in several countries .
2 Assessment is mainly by coursework ; a variety of teaching methods is used and participative learning is encouraged .
3 More and more power in organizations is shared and cooperation rather than physical violence is how work gets done .
4 But the beach is also marked on the extreme southern tip of Seil where the exposure to the waves is limited and , even more remarkably , in the narrow strait separating Seil from the mainland ( Plate 26 ) .
5 A turn-round time of 24 hours for 90 per cent of prescriptions is guaranteed and an extended range of frames offers a greater choice of fashionable designs and colours .
6 Experimentally , a series of concentrations is studied and the results treated according to one or other of the following virial expansions .
7 Blurring of professional roles occurs in other care delivery systems , but in a multidisciplinary team approach , overlapping or exchange of roles is planned and co-ordinated .
8 Richards created a method of defining vessel shape ( 1982 ) using a fixed set of rules ; the profile of vessels is recorded and normalised to a standard height , a parameter which does not seem to be relevant to the definition of forms .
9 Children 's grasp of these knotty subjects is monitored and tested through the four Key Stages ( aged 5-7 , 8-11 , 12-14 and 15-16 ) of their educational career .
10 The development of such further educational and training opportunities is encouraged and engineering employers should ensure that their staff have the time to keep up–to–date in this way .
11 Features of interaction such as body posture , gesture , preferred distance between speakers , discursive styles , the ways in which politeness is marked or attention to other speakers is signalled , differ widely across cultures .
12 The use of computers is taught and encouraged .
13 At the time of the funeral a set form of words is used and I think it is helpful to look at what sense these words can convey to this majority population who are not regular church attenders .
14 If the division of labour between branches is conserved and extended within capitalist economies , it can form the principle of a particular kind of social collectivity which cuts across ‘ class ’ lines and inhibits the formation of class based collectivities .
15 A simple test for woollen rugs is to fold or crease the pile and see how quickly the wool returns to its original shape .
16 Here , a Monte Carlo based simulation procedure for estimating the impact of error in GIS is proposed and developed .
17 It is equally important that the authority of the United Nations is upheld and supported wherever it is necessary .
18 The management of schools is changing and decisions have to be made in the context of a financial framework .
19 Sixth , the employer 's will to resist trade union demands is weakened and he therefore ‘ settles closer to the union 's minimum acceptable increase than to his own maximum acceptable offer ’ .
20 Practical advice for parents is outlined but there is a high treatment failure rate : the therapeutic relationship may be very important in gaining full co-operation from the parents and a family approach to treatment is often indicated .
21 … the complete Union of the two countries is stamped and sealed in the most satisfactory and solid manner for it is not only a union of the two governments — the two sovereigns — it is that of the two nations !
22 To reduce RE to opposing camps of Christianity versus world faiths is belittling and damaging .
23 This may be difficult when the warren is very large and a corresponding number of purse nets is needed but when working on burrow systems , rather than on the much larger warrens , twenty nets are often sufficient .
24 One area of normal animation that can cause some heartaches is backgrounding and the scrolling of scenery as action moves from one place to another .
25 The growth of established pancreatic cancers is promoted and pancreatic carcinogenesis is accelerated by EGF in animal mdels .
26 My examination of Nizan 's communist novels ( Chapter 7 ) will be directed at accomplishing two tasks : first , to examine the processes whereby each of three texts is produced and reproduced in successively different historical situations ; here , particular emphasis will be given to the idea that each text is not a perfectly finished artistic product but the narrative site of ideological and literary contradictions .
27 If , following the issue of the reminder , the charging authority still does not receive payment , the right to pay by instalments is lost and the charge payer becomes liable to pay the authority the full amount of community charge outstanding for the remainder of the year .
28 ‘ The instinct of engineers is to bulldoze and construct in straight parallels .
29 They concluded that while different professionals and agencies use quite different definitions of the problem , on the whole the system operates according to a ‘ rule of optimism ’ whereby , wherever possible , the most favourable interpretation of family , particularly parental , circumstances is made and hence situations of actual and potential abuse are kept to a minimum .
30 Of the 18 million tonnes of household waste produced annually , only 2.7m tonnes is treated or re-used .
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