Example sentences of "[noun pl] [is] [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 This chapter shows us what the Brigade of Guards is really like .
2 However , existing GIS 's largely fail to exploit the possibilities for statistical analysis of the data which they display .
3 schools is off flip the skips .
4 The huge variety of shapes is partly fashion and partly an attempt to avoid a phenomenon known as spin out .
5 From each you can get a good idea of what police work in the respective countries is really like .
6 Most places of religious worship ask that confetti is not throw inside the grounds and photography during the service is often not permitted .
7 the total estimated liability for the Group 's share of abandonment costs is currently forecast at £159 million [ 1991 £127 million ] .
8 Obviously one of the er , critical things is actually reduce the er , length of time at meetings , er , with that in mind I 'll be very quick .
9 That phrase , your statutory rights is often put in guarantees .
10 Two packs is enough do n't you ?
11 A central issue for many linguists is how do syntax and semantic information combine in language systems .
12 The men 's best buy in Leafy Woods when Frank taught the children many of natures wonderful secrets
13 I suppose you might a very simple spreadsheet , then er , just adding up a column of numbers is hardly get that wrong .
14 What you would do in your case with children is probably appoint them all and then they do n't all have to prove so they would hopefully discuss this at the time and say Well you know I 'm a long way away why do n't you two get on with .
15 By this time in Durham one J. Bailey ( no relation ) had written that ‘ the expense of horses is now become so great , that they should not be used where it can be avoided .
16 The average weight gain in women is probably 20–30lb .
17 You 've been brought up in a television age and you 've been particularly been brought up in an age of card cartoons and soap operas and in all of those you would er expect to see good being oppressed that 's part of the plot in every cartoon there is a plot in every soap opera , that the good the good people actually end up in difficult situations and the way that results in the cartoons and in the soap operas is usually find revenge or punishment .
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