Example sentences of "[noun pl] [was/were] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 The words were to be simply interpreted ( p202 ) .
2 Omelettes were to be made without the breaking of eggs .
3 Since that time clearly we 've also had a series of further er indications development government guidance on the issue , new P P G one , three , and twelve all produced in March ninety two , which made it quite clear the environmental considerations were to be given greater attention in development plans .
4 All such styles were to be seen at the exhibition , but classically based designs predominated .
5 What was done to achieve this elusive parity of esteem which was required if the new schools were to be acceptable to parents and pupils ?
6 In December 1839 , schools were to be established for the use of workmen in the Company 's employ ; in June 1840 , these were to include a reading room .
7 On 14 August 1903 , the school teachers asked to keep their travelling privileges after the schools were to be handed over to the Local Education Authority .
8 Local schools were to be free to buy in the services of private organisations to inspect their standards .
9 The Secretary of State argued , inter alia , that the selection process necessary now that the grammar schools were to be retained could not be adequately organised within the available time , and that this was unreasonable behaviour within section 68 .
10 These schools were to be non-denominational and open to inspection .
11 There was to be an import ban on construction materials for which local substitutes were available , and cuts in subsidies to coffee producers and exporters were to be made by April .
12 But no steps were to be taken to put them into effect until they had been communicated to the king , who , when he had satisfied himself that they had been made without prejudice , would decide what was to be done .
13 Readers were to be left with the impression that a ‘ woodchopper ’ beating out the time audibly and often was the inevitable result and proof of unmusical French ‘ good taste ’ : one preferring permanent metrical chaos .
14 The statute in pursuance of which the challenged action was done would provide guidance to the court as to what grievances were to be considered as giving a genuine cause for complaint .
15 Staff were advised that the company was looking for a new property when the search for a new suitable area began and when Aldermaston had been identified as the place where the new offices were to be built .
16 Seventeen premiums were to be awarded .
17 If solutions were to be found they would be of a technological nature .
18 In the glorious Summer of 1914 military guards were to be stationed at Saltash Pier and other landing places ‘ as a precaution ’ .
19 Soviet customs regulations were to be maintained in Lithuania ( the Lithuanian government on March 17 had announced plans to curb exports from the republic , including introduction of Lithuanian-run border checkpoints ) , and guards were to be posted around nuclear power stations and " other very important sites which are all-union property " .
20 In the end a compromise emerged under which some — eventually most or all — hospitals and community units were to be allowed to become ‘ independent trusts ’ owning their own buildings and having their own governing bodies .
21 During 1992 some 5,500 of the proposed 19,500 state housing units were to be constructed in occupied territories .
22 At the same time , the main drive units were to be thoroughly overhauled and the existing motor generator sets replaced .
23 Artisans and small traders were to be allowed to perform individual services from their homes , from shops or by street vending , provided they had a trading licence and a medical card .
24 The end result of Henry 's policy was that ruined castles were to be seen throughout his dominions , visible reminders of the Old King 's power and the penalties meted out to rebellious lords .
25 Ariadne announced that the pictures on the back page with what some call funny captions were to be axed and was promptly beaten up by post and battered into continuing .
26 Pippin was assigned Neustria , but the two main beneficiaries were to be Louis the German and Charles , leaving Lothar with only Italy .
27 From these the finalists were to be selected to appear before the panel of judges at a social evening in Alton .
28 Throughout July and August the Khmers Rouges maintained their boycott of phase two of the October 1991 UN peace process , under which 70 per cent of the country 's estimated 200,000 fighters were to be assembled and disarmed [ see p. 38864 ] .
29 To assist the EEC in these objectives , three funds were to be set up : a European Social Fund to develop ‘ employment opportunities for workers ’ and to raise their standard of living ; a European Investment Bank to further economic expansion through the use of loans and guarantees ; and a European Development Fund targeted upon the associated French overseas territories .
30 Section 2.1.4 details a proposed project for piloting the creation of an image database which could begin in 1992 , if funds were to be made available .
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