Example sentences of "[noun pl] [is] important [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The intention of the parties is important since a right bestowed upon third parties carries the corollary of the acceptance of an obligation by themselves .
2 Thorough cleaning of the sieve meshes is important as retained particles severely restrict the aperture spaces available for grains to pass through .
3 The first visit by prospective parents is important as it creates a lasting impression .
4 The distinction between the two cues is important because manipulating vertical disparities in the way described by Sobel and Collett , for example , has the effect of creating both differential vertical and differential horizontal perspective cues .
5 Thus looking at changes in sales in the various business segments is important when analysing overall profit margin .
6 Care of the school buildings is important because of the effect this has on the morale of pupils and teachers .
7 The role of individuals is important because industrial behaviour is very strongly influenced by organized trade unions , and trade unions are led ( at all levels … ) by groups of individuals with considerable power , influence and discretion over the industrial relations strategies which they pursue … .
8 Ithanguni is important because it has contributed most of the fine ash deposits that blanket the lower slopes of west Mount Kenya and make rich farming and ranching land .
9 An appreciation of these difficulties is important when interpreting the results of studies which have examined factors potentially involved in genetic susceptibility to alcoholic liver disease .
10 Understanding the legal effect of payments is important because of the need to make sure that VAT is correctly accounted for to the Customs and Excise and to understand the circumstances in which it may be reclaimed .
11 I 'd like to erm two constant er budget , we feel that reinstatement of the capital design staff salaries is important if not because .
12 The collection of historical data on natural hazards is important since it is clear that their spatial pattern varies through time .
13 FACING PAGE Supervision of puppies is important because digestive disturbances such as diarrhoea are potentially more serious in younger dogs .
14 The giving of these notices at the proper times is important because they enable your council to inspect your work , to ensure that it is important because they enable your council to inspect your work , to ensure that it is satisfactory before being covered up .
15 Inclusion in group activities is important as is , particularly , the opportunity for friends to be in the home of the bereaved person not just for ‘ heavy conversation ’ but also for social exchange .
16 The observation that the period of the sleep/wake rhythm differs from 24 hours is important because it indicates that environmental cues can not have been responsible .
17 ‘ The conservation of invertebrates is important because they are good indicators of the quality of the habitat ’ , said Dr Holmes .
18 Producing quality products is important if the company is to continue to compete in the international marketplace .
19 The treatment of offenders is important as well as punishment .
20 This review of the urban disturbances is important as it places the cities and the urban labour forces in broader economic trends .
21 Knowledge of such factors is important because if a doctor is worried that a certain patient is likely to take an overdose , it would be better to explore the patient 's difficulties and share this anxiety with the patient instead of avoiding discussing the issue or prescribing psychotropic drugs .
22 The second of these conclusions is important if teachers and syllabuses are to meet the objectives of mathematics education which are outlined by Cockcroft in relation to relevance .
23 Chupp says the correlation of events is important because it lets ground-based observers know what to look for ; it is possible that earlier observations of solar neutrons went unrecognised .
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