Example sentences of "[noun pl] [is] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 As can be seen from table 6.5 , the divorce-rate for unskilled husbands is more than four times that for professionals and for the unemployed , almost five times that for the professionals .
2 The excretion of normal subjects is less than 7 g/24 hours .
3 Sovicille for shops is less than three miles away .
4 The number of inpatients treated from other districts is more than 50 per cent in one district in ten .
5 Reports from Finland , Norway , and USA suggest that the declining incidence of gastric carcinomas is mainly because of a marked decrease in tumours of intestinal type .
6 The future for Britain 's mines has never looked so black , but some believe the future safety of miners is just as threatened .
7 But the reason we , unlike the Americans , have no telephones on planes is largely because a consensus on frequencies was a long time coming .
8 This shows that the present value of £1 per year for 25 years is less than £15 when the rate of return exceeds 5 per cent per year .
9 Ramped access to public buildings is all but unknown .
10 The comparative infrequency of colonic carcinoma that we have found compared with other studies is probably because of the differences in the age distribution of the populations studied .
11 This would imply that the density of primordial black holes is less than 100 million per cubic light-year .
12 Using the equation above , the probability that a difference of this order has been missed in this series of experiments is less than 1% for both acid and pepsin .
13 NASA 's budget for life sciences is less than $138 million a year , out of the agency 's total annual spending of $14 billion .
14 The lack of satisfactory studies on the use of activated charcoal in reducing drug absorption in poisoned patients is largely because the task is so difficult .
15 ‘ Under the new legislation , if the amount of VAT that a business incurs in relation to selling nonvatable items is less than 7,200 a year , then all the money can be reclaimed .
16 We can stir in the other two data sets , taking Poisson noise only as the null hypothesis ; again , the probability that power-law and/or Poisson noise explains all the data sets is less than 5% .
17 None of its inhabitants is more than three inches high .
18 Only as late as 1918 was it established — by a woman doctor — that the juice of lemons is more than twice as rich in anti-scorbutic vitamins as that of the lime , for long thought to be as or more effective than lemon juice in the prevention of scurvy .
19 It is important that gross and tare weighings should not be entered on a single ticket unless the interval between the two weighings is less than 24 hours .
20 If it now seems self-evident that monitoring of the global environment is necessary , indeed is even vital , the prediction of what is likely to happen is almost as important : the 170 000 people in the Maldives are understandably worried about the prospect of global sea-level change since no part of the islands is more than 2 m above present sea-level !
21 Such regions are designated for a period of five years and are specifically defined to be those areas ( NUTS Level II ) where per capita GDP in PPSs is less than 75 per cent of the Community average .
22 The status of general courses is thus as much a matter of context and clientele as content , and seems likely to change only if the latter change .
23 How do women with a consciousness of their place in the class system and trade union movement become aware that unions are male-dominated and have inbuilt tendencies to support men 's rather than women 's interests ?
24 You are right — 19 points is less than 20 .
25 Sun Microsystems is apparently considering taking back every nasty thing it ever said about X terminals and entering the business .
26 The total world retail value of the CD-X markets is then as follows ( in billions sterling ) .
27 The higher death rate in women than in men is probably because of the higher proportion of elderly patients among them .
28 Why not pass them on to a hospital or children 's home where they will be treasured .
29 The boys , now aged 15 and 16 , had admitted culpably and recklessly contaminating toast and other foodstuffs in the kitchen of the Edinburgh children 's home where they lived , to the danger of staff and other children , on 27 May .
30 This decision is to be left to the governors of the school , but the Department of Education and Science is recommending as wide a definition as possible , to include legal guardians , foster parents and the head of a children 's home when the child is in care .
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