Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] without [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We are not asking that all existing barriers be changed , only that when new barriers are put in , that they conform to a standard which allows cyclists to pass without having to dismount or , if carrying panniers , to lift the cycle over the obstruction .
2 Not content with that dereliction , you have allowed five months to pass without responding to three more recent submissions .
3 The elaborate four-track layout completed in 1925 allowed cars to reverse without impeding the through cars .
4 Dissent increased in the 1983 Parliament , partly because of the government 's larger majority , which enables rebels to dissent without jeopardizing the government .
5 It is big enough for the bands to circle without getting in each other 's way or drowning each other out .
6 The ‘ good ’ policemen and women know their area : the sites of trouble and danger , as Holdaway describes them ( 1983 : 39–42 ) , which need special attention , the places to avoid without having further back-up , the places where events and incidents have occurred in the past , the people on whom to focus attention , such as the ‘ troublesome families ’ in whom crime historically runs or the VIPs in the area who get special protective care .
7 Large stone blocks are set as stepping stones for pedestrians to cross without becoming muddied .
8 Most of them it 's been questions of rather less fundamental changes in the actual teaching style in the classroom and sometimes it 's been a question of concentrating on rather different kinds of things or giving more time to one kind of activity than another , or changing the pattern of assignments that they gave children , or things that were still well within the capacity of teachers to change without involving sort of fundamental changes in teaching style .
9 The roads were usually wide enough for two vehicles to pass without slowing down , but in dry weather this meant enveloping each other in a cloud of choking lava dust .
10 The device chosen was a carefully designed , small , speed table surfaced with distinctive flat cobbles , with gaps on each side that would allow buses and large trucks to pass without generating noise for residents , discomfort for passengers , or damage to the road surface as a result of impact by heavy vehicles .
11 The Church could not allow sinners to perish without seeing the evil of their ways .
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