Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] often have " in BNC.

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1 In his time the Jews must often have felt their culture and civilization was in danger of being swallowed up by Roman domination .
2 A further consequence for linguistic form exists in the examples ( 40 ) to ( 43 ) but , before that , let us turn to our second question ; we can now see why postnominals could often have an " aura " of emphasis , yet without this being clearly and consistently present .
3 Careful attention to processes and the disposal of spent baths can often have beneficial effects , while changes in methods can produce very large changes in the character of the effluent .
4 Their parents will often have marital problems ( Rutter et al. , 1970 ) .
5 Of course the cruder methods of pressing grapes in those days would often have resulted in rather murky-looking wines which failed to clear properly .
6 These organisations will often have stringent rules of membership and many will have their own codes of practice , guarantee schemes and arbitration or conciliation schemes .
7 You 'd start off with parliamentary business then have a review of foreign affairs , and very important departmental things may often have to be shoved out of the way to another Cabinet .
8 African rivers run underground for part of the year so the villagers would often have to dig in the sand until water seeped through .
9 For all the subjection , the limitation of opportunity , many no doubt ruled their husbands as well as their households in that as in all ages ; great ladies may often have run the estate when the lord was away on campaign .
10 As we will see , the distinction between these kinds of effects is often difficult to make in practice , since processing of earlier sentences will often have involved the use of more general knowledge .
11 Such cases will often have been treated as acute cystitis for a day or two , and may present to the casualty department or emergency room with a bladder so swollen that it mimics a twenty week pregnancy .
12 Children and adolescents may often have a combination of conduct and emotional problems .
13 Whereas vendors are frequently inexperienced , purchasers will often have previous acquisition experience .
14 The birthday children will often have some good ideas as to the kind of decorations they would like .
15 Something of our individuality is swept away by it , and a reluctance to have children can often have its roots in this fear .
16 Widespread dissatisfaction over the quality of justice might eventually be to the king 's loss , although rulers may often have been able to manipulate the legal system to their advantage with relative impunity .
17 In a ‘ hung council ’ deals hammered out between rival party groups can often have either a direct or indirect effect on local policy-making .
18 Also , their inmates may often have come from the ranks of the noble and landowning class .
19 The policy of buying off the raiders may often have seemed sensible , and it should not be assumed that he was always criticised for it , even by those who provided the money .
20 On the other hand , so long as the electoral system appears to give due weight to most parties , the fact that individual votes may often have little effect does not deter them from being cast .
21 Far from leading to improved conditions , building new prisons may often have the contrary result .
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