Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] not give " in BNC.

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1 Such methods do not give their cause sufficient weight , but a consultative committee would ensure that disabled people have a strong voice in these matters .
2 In practice the low discounts on non-net books do not give much margin of flexibility .
3 Other mags I 've looked at give this centrefold pull-out picture , yet their books do not give the great info like yours .
4 Also , different departments of the chief accountancy firms often have client relationships with the other party to the dispute , as many clients prefer not to give all their work to one firm .
5 Such models do not give perfect answers , but they do improve on common sense .
6 If the five senses do not give us knowledge of reality ( as opposed to appearances ) , what does ?
7 But it is difficult to believe that directors do not give at least some consideration to the impact of their decisions on employees in any event , regardless of the section .
8 IPSWICH Witches have not given up hope of 23-year-old Pole Miroslaw Kowalik riding in tomorrow 's Star of Anglia meeting at Foxhall Stadium ( writes Elvin King ) .
9 These bare figures do not give the whole picture , however .
10 Tragically , I have to wish that that was the case because today 's figures do not give us much ground for comfort , but , as long as the Minister continues his present style of trying to hype up and to trivialise every issue , that is what will happen to our agriculture .
11 By way of exception , the Regulations do not give the Director General powers in relation to commercial radio and television advertisements or to cable advertisements .
12 ASSURED SHORTHOLD TENANCIES do not give long-term tenancy rights and there is very little control over the rent levels that can be charged by a landlord .
13 The gods do not give you two chances . "
14 Such studies do not give a true reflection of population needs , nor may the clinical indices used to predict survival or estimates of prognosis be applicable in the wider population of patients with severe acute renal failure .
15 We have had more debates on these issues , but it is insulting to suggest that our partners do not give them sufficient attention .
16 ‘ Those bastards do not give up so easily , eh ?
17 These extremes do not give balance .
18 Witnesses do not give evidence on oath .
19 The remaining techniques have not given rise to general-purpose instruments but have proved useful in particular experiments .
20 He also ignored the fact that the majority of other European Community members do not give a compensatory day off when a national holiday falls at a weekend , as is normal practice in the United Kingdom .
21 Names and positions are as important as addresses and telephone numbers and some directories do not give more than the editors ' and advertisement managers ' names .
22 It is understood doctors have not given him any timescale for the progress of the cancer .
23 Generally , no fee is charged for pupillage , but local authorities do not give grants for maintenance , which has the unfortunate result that students without adequate parental means may find it impossible to establish themselves at the Bar .
24 It should be noted , however , that many of these products do not give clear instructions or a recommended dose [ 5 ] .
25 The Anonymous Fellowships do not give specific advice for individual problems .
26 Please note that West Somerset Railway Association members ' concessions do not apply for this event , and tickets do not give free travel .
27 As one would expect , young children do not give explanations of these phenomena which are correct from the point of view of modern scientific knowledge .
28 Faced with growing hostility or boredom over Europe , M Mitterrand threatened at the weekend to hold a referendum if the two parliamentary chambers do not give him a two-thirds majority for constitutional changes .
29 However it has been claimed that Markov probabilities do not give significant reductions in word error rate , and can even lead to an increased error rate ( Riseman and Ehrich , 1971 ; Riseman and Hanson , 1974 ; Hanson , Riseman and Fisher , 1976 ) .
30 The media are also required , when reporting matters which are relevant to imminent legal proceedings , to ensure that their reports do not give rise to any substantial risk of prejudice .
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