Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Notes spilled out of the money drawer .
2 The death penalty could also be applied to those who refused baptism , failed to conform to ecclesiastical disciplines given out by missionary leaders , or who refused to fast in Lent .
3 Another guest speaker , Dr Nawal El Saadawi , the Egyptian novelist , doctor and relentless critic of Arab human rights abuses , attacked the hypocrisy of policies carried out around the world in the name of human rights , democracy and justice .
4 An index of selected projects carried out under the Alvey programme is being prepared .
5 Mazmanian ( 1976 ) , in his evaluation of projects carried out by the Corps of Engineers , and Gilbert and Specht ( 1977 ) , in their classic evaluation of the Model City programme between the years 1967 — 71 , appear to reach a similar conclusion : participation helps process but not goal attainment .
6 The committee takes the view that government research projects carried out by private industry have a better chance of leading to commercial rewards in terms of new products and processes .
7 As with all restoration projects carried out by any society , cash is the key issue and a share issue has been launched to finance the restoration of both vehicles with £1 shared available in blocks of 10 to adults and singly to children .
8 Among the projects carried out by ERA-WACC during the year were : a colloquium held in Moscow on the MacBride Report , entitled ‘ Europe speaks to Europe ’ ; a conference on communication ethics ( also held in Moscow ) ; a worship workshop for TV producers in western and eastern Europe ; and the setting up of a European Women 's network .
9 These are just some of the projects carried out by volunteers from local conservation groups in Essex .
10 As part of the five-hundredth anniversary celebrations of the consecration of the Frari church in Venice , the Sovrintendenza ( the state administration of ancient monuments and works of art ) has been taking stock of the restoration projects carried out in the Basilica over the last twenty years .
11 Drivers who continue trying to ply their trade are having their rickety three-wheeled becaks carried out to sea and dumped .
12 Formulation of the plan seems to be the result of a complex but highly structured process of consultations and meetings carried out over a six month period , and culminating in the ratification of the plan by the full Politburo .
13 Reactions Carried Out at Constsnt Volume
14 Reactions Carried Out at Constant Pressure
15 A survey of Central American women 's development programmes carried out by the Mexican government 's " Women 's Documentation Centre " in April 1982 produced from the Ministry of Education the following list of publications on women 's issues available in El Salvador : Vision Magazine ; Today At Home ; TV Guide ; Vanity ; Cosmopolitan ; Good Housekeeping .
16 The rarity of artefacts found during excavations of such farms not only affects the archaeologist 's ability to date the buildings , but also makes it extremely difficult to understand the details of the activities carried out on the farm .
17 The aim is to elucidate some of the methods by which entrepreneurial decisions are reached and entrepreneurial activities carried out on a day to day basis .
18 Morphological measurements and enzyme activities carried out on intestinal mucosa are another good method of assessing dietary nitrogen quality .
19 The range of activities carried out under its name is very diverse and different in kind , from armchair theorizing to the detailed accumulation and analysis of data , from metaphysical speculation to psychometric measurement .
20 The White Paper goes on to emphasize : ‘ It is the loss of liberty involved in carrying out the terms of the order rather than the activities carried out during the order which is the punishment ’ ( p. 18 , para. 4.4 ) .
21 He was accused at his trial in 1990 of having , ‘ with counter-revolutionary aims , collected lists of people detained in the disturbances ( activities carried out by Tibetans in 1988 in support of independence ) and passed them on to others , thus violating the ( laws of ) secrecy ’ .
22 This is an analysis of what the major activities carried out by the organisation should be .
23 As this latter example suggests , there is also a wide and varied range of trading activities carried out by local authorities ( see Chapter 12 ) .
24 It is necessary to designate one LIFESPAN user to be responsible for the operation and control of the offline system , since the activities carried out by this person are significantly more complicated than those met by most LIFESPAN users .
25 Not only touch , but all activities carried out in the vicinity of the patient , offer the nurse an opportunity to show empathy .
26 Some systemically-desirable information , although part of the wider system , was not relevant to the actual activities carried out in the EPH .
27 Despite widespread agreement that opencast coal mining is among the most environmentally destructive activities carried out in Wales , the Government has until recently tried to increase output from this method .
28 At Equity & Law , marketing manager Taylor says that the references and character checks carried out on Stephen Wright gave no hint of what was to come .
29 Checks carried out by the Inland Revenue on a sample of bank and building society accounts have revealed that some people have incorrectly registered to receive interest payments without deduction of income tax .
30 Checks carried out by the Inland Revenue on a sample of bank and building society accounts have revealed that some people have incorrectly registered to receive interest payments without deduction of income tax .
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