Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] and [pron] " in BNC.

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1 You 've been set in a certain class and no matter how your opinions change and you want to throw that class off , if ever a man does , it wo n't let him , it 's there in his voice , in his manner ; even if a gentleman was to take to the road he 'd still be a gentleman ; I mean , according to the kind of education he 's received , so to my mind that has become a kind of cage .
2 Times change and you have to keep up with them , ’ says John King .
3 How might your various strategies change and what further considerations would need to be made if , after initial success in the United States market , the Middle East and Japan offered good export opportunities ?
4 Eventually when one has had enough , he signals submission by contracting the pigment in one set of cells and expanding that in another so that his flank patterns change and he hoists the flag of surrender .
5 ‘ Well , New Zealanders ruck and you do n't .
6 At the western end of the pass , here known as Glen Torridon , houses appear and there is an information centre , the immediate area being a popular tourist haunt .
7 While teenagers come to terms with adulthood , roles change and everyone has to adjust .
8 But life moves on , times and lifestyles change and it is difficult for some to change with them .
9 I do n't feel too bad — my legs ache and I got a sort of tight feeling in my tummy , but apart from that I 'm OK .
10 Since then , Ireland have not won a Five Nations match and their best result was a 21–21 draw with Wales at Cardiff in 1991 .
11 When you are sleepy the muscles around your eyes relax and your vision may become blurred — remember what it is like sitting and listening to a boring speaker and how difficult it is to focus clearly upon him .
12 Even though I have chained and muzzled you for the wolf you are , still your eyes challenge and your mind defies . ’
13 Her legs shake and she hides away .
14 ‘ I need a really simple room to sleep in , 'cos if I sleep with things overhanging or weird , too complicated visual stuff , my eyes open and they make things out of it .
15 He had looked at his wife 's unguarded face and forgotten for a moment that life was a deadly game in which you had to keep your cards close to your chest and your back to the wall , your eyes open and your nose clean in order not to end up in the gutter with your hat in your hand .
16 She approaches politicians who promise action , but months pass and nothing happens .
17 Stress affects posture : often people look slumped , their shoulders sag and they hunch their back ; alternatively they hold themselves very rigid so that the muscles of the shoulders and neck especially are set ; their face takes on a fixed expression with perhaps staring eyes or clenched jaw ; muscular tics and involuntary twitches can arise ; for some people cramp is stress-related .
18 But he sympathised with others : ‘ You can see how it would do the post offices harm and nobody would want that , ’ he said .
19 Whenever the car appears all heads turn and there is no doubt that something special is passing by : a unique part of Blackpool 's tramway past .
20 We may not like what fans do and we may view aggro leaders and their like as unhappy reminders of a violent society in which we live .
21 Then the anger builds up , the quarrels intensify and what little charm there was in the relationship finally erodes .
22 However , something on new or developing areas of law , specific cases ( if your clients agree and you believe that it may help them ) and items of genuine local interest can all bring you to the attention of the editors .
23 But she saw his lips move and her eyes fixed on them , for suddenly she had n't the courage to look into his eyes .
24 Although my brief has been to examine animal communication , I am bound to be asked whether the Darwinian approach can add anything to understanding the connections between what animals do and what we do .
25 She 's rocking real hard now — her eyes shut and her mouth open , her face all bashed up .
26 If Preston kept his eyes shut and his mind on something else , they occasionally achieved simultaneous orgasm , but it took energy , it took stamina .
27 So he had to stand there , in the office of the Roadworking Operatives Supervisor in the Islington Council Seven Sisters Road Highways Department Depot , sweating like a pig and wondering why they did n't just get on with it and sack him as he listened to Mr Smith and his eyes hurt and he could smell his own body-odour again .
28 If they are worked into a framework of thought similar to Kant 's schemata , then it is only necessary to bring up the general subject in which the images rest and they will come before the mind .
29 Unless Serbia obeys the ultimatum its phone lines will be severed , borders shut and it will be shunned ‘ for years to come ’ .
30 John 's legs buckle and he falls onto the wet grass .
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