Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 After all , if ‘ the system ’ really was bent upon the form of totalizing control that according to Foucault psychoanalysis , for example , enables , it is worth recalling that psychoanalysis has never been adopted by the state as such and that its activities remain confined to a few very limited districts in a handful of prosperous cities round the world .
2 The erm draft of or the advice that the local planning authorities intend to give to the secretary of state is currently out for consultation , we hope that it will be submitted by the end of the year .
3 Also , natural fibre such as bran products tend to bind to calcium , making it difficult for the body to use the calcium , making supplements more necessary than ever .
4 MPs who on the whole tend to be rather casual about going to meetings organised for their benefit by pressure groups tend to go to the nuclear forum , because it is always well-structured and organised , and because they can then say to constituents who work in either the nuclear industry or the nuclear supply industry that they have been , and still are , taking an interest in the decisions that affect those particular electors .
5 Criminal laws aimed at regulating corporate activities tend to refer to a specific rather than a general class of behaviour .
6 This is because capital flows tend to respond more rapidly to changes in relative interest rates than trade flows tend to respond to changes in relative prices .
7 Aggregates tend to appeal to ( comfortable ) analysts .
8 ‘ That would get me above 8,000 metres , something a lot of rock climbers want to get to .
9 At the assimilation end of the spectrum of representations of care programming in community care plans , local authorities appear to refer to it formally , signalling their awareness , but with little or no discussion in the care plan of the relevance of care programmes for social services , examples being Croydon and Lambeth .
10 These results indicate that index futures appear to conform to a general pattern of leptokurtosis .
11 Does he not therefore find it extraordinary that the Labour and Liberal parties remain committed to the abolition of grant maintained schools and that in local government they are waging a relentless campaign against G M schools , as typified by the behaviour of Essex County Council .
12 Cross-talk does not occur — the signals remain confined to their own channel even where many fibres lie bundled together .
13 Darwin 's theory of evolution incorporates the principle of natural selection , which suggests that animals change according to their surroundings , developing adaptations — over several generations — which enhance their ability to survive in particular habitats .
14 Both The Mall and Birdcage Walk are open and you can use Horse Guards Parade to get to the inside of the course and Hyde Park Corner , Victoria or Pall Mall to position yourself outside of the railings .
15 But the glint of mockery in his dark eyes put paid to that fantasy .
16 They were unable to give any firm details because costs and premiums vary according to the kind of system you have and what add-ons you also want insuring .
17 He turned up his coat collar and gave his eyes time to adjust to the thickness of the night fog .
18 Much more frequent mentions of captivi seem to refer to nobles , and one writer explicitly says that the reason the Vikings having arrived by boat then used horses was " so that they would be able to capture some nobles for the sake of money ( ransoms ) " .
19 Their policy-making styles vary according to what is optimal for the function concerned .
20 Products and yields vary according to fashion and demand ; whaling , sealing , fur trading and mineral ore exploitation have declined in recent years , but commercial fishing and fossil fuel exploitation are well established and likely to continue .
21 Over half the answers to the ‘ best ’ aspects question refer to what could be called the work dimension of the role , as do almost all the answers to the ‘ worst ’ aspects question — even though these questions do not specify housework , but permit answers relating to marriage , motherhood and home life generally .
22 It 's entertaining though I mean I can understand why kids get addicted to them cos once you start , you ca n't stop yo you think
23 Balanced , fair and thorough negotiation is the key to a smooth running contract and all the relevant contractual terms and mechanisms should be considered and agreed before the parties become committed to the contract .
24 The meanings ‘ financial institution ’ and ‘ side of river ’ , on the other hand , do represent two distinct senses , so there are two lexical units bank corresponding to these senses .
25 Most sailing schools do run to these standards and it is quite rate to find one that does n't .
26 The Order shall be considered a contract made in England and shall be governed in all respects by the law of England and the parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts .
27 4.3.3 The other Non-academic Parties agree to provide to the Lead Organization , or direct to the Secretary of State , as may be most convenient a copy of their respective latest audited accounts , unless previously provided , together with such other financial and technical information as the Secretary of State may from time to time properly require in relation to the procedures governing claims for payment .
28 My designs aim to appeal to the style-conscious young , whereas yours are strictly for retired country ladies . ’
29 Snakes do respond to quick movements .
30 Parties play according to the rules of the constitutional game .
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