Example sentences of "[noun pl] [det] in the " in BNC.

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1 There are several factors which help to prolong this period to perhaps three or four times that in the male .
2 The current per unit volume is several times that in the Earth .
3 Despite what was until the Eastern Airlines strike a prosperous tourist trade , the percentage of people living in poverty on the islands is nearly three times that in the mainland United States .
4 In Great Britain there are around 2300 census districts each in the charge of a census officer ( usually a member of the local registration staff ) who controls specially recruited enumerators — one for each of the 110 000 or so enumeration districts .
5 In recent months some in the planning profession have revived the notion of planned new communities in areas of particular stress as an alternative to unconstrained private sector development .
6 The extended portions in between have about 40 monomers units all in the trans conformation .
7 ‘ But it 's a strange feeling to be robbed of both homes all in the same wild night . ’
8 Introduced were four models each in the MPE/XL 3000 and Unix 9000 ranges — the 3000 992/100 , 200 , 300 and 400 , and the 9000 890S/100 , 200 , 300 and 400 — which use from 1 to 4 60MHz PA RISC ‘ snake ’ processors .
9 Some changes , however , were made in the draft to satisfy those who had challenged it in this way : union republics were given eleven rather than seven seats each in the Supreme Soviet 's Council of Nationalities and ex officio places on the Committee of Constitutional Supervision , and changes of wording were made in order to remove what Gorbachev described as the ‘ misunderstanding ’ that the rights of republics had been infringed .
10 She had a track record of less than wonderful relationships , unpaid bills , and three hundred or so cassettes all in the wrong cases .
11 When hearing such tales those in the jungle would become quite terrified , and I once met a group of Chewong on the move with all their worldly belongings , having abandoned their settlement in order to resettle much deeper in the jungle because they had heard rumours that the Malays wanted Chewong heads .
12 Managing director Kevin Eakin said that while the half percentage point cut would not have a dramatic effect , it was part of a series of cuts all in the right direction .
13 And and were the children all in the house .
14 HE institutions and industrial research bodies are being invited to submit proposals for partnerships involving 20 students each in the first year , and the five best schemes will be funded in 1992–93 .
15 This is a rare species with only three known records all in the Eastern Atlantic the Faeroe Channel , 930 m ( Hoyle , 1884 ) , Bay of Biscay 627 m and 1290 m ( Koehler , 1907 : Travailleur & Talisman under the name of A. bellis ) .
16 Last year , around 10,000 walkers completed an average of ten miles each in the Whale Walk — in other words Greenpeace supporters walked 100,000 miles for the whales .
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