Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 The role will involve providing economic back-up analysis and feasibility studies for planning activities undertaken at all levels by the Physical Planning Directorate .
2 We got votes against our proposals with no reasons given at all , you 've now got down to the point of having no reasons at all for opposing what we want to do .
3 These are paintings of solid forms stripped of all their inessentials and reinterpreted with almost geometric exactitude .
4 For example , we expect the core skills included in all general SVQs to be amenable to an integrative approach .
5 Neither moneychangers , nor bystanders , nor Jesus 's own followers are likely to have stood idle , or engaged in theological debate , while loose coins rolled in all directions .
6 The 37 Branches listed below all achieved totals of £10,000 or more ; the include Branches both large and small , with and without Branch Clubs , from all parts of the country and continental Europe .
7 On one side of the hill are typical favela wooden construction type houses , the other side of the hill where the church is situated are stone built constructions interspersed with all other types of construction material they can get their hands on .
8 I had recently been working on Orwell 's radio scripts in the BBC 's Written Archive Centre at Caversham , one of the most important archives for modern British history outside the Public Record Office , and here in this room in Sackville Street were books written by all the authors and broadcasters I had grown familiar with , who were working at the time George Orwell was broadcasting and before .
9 While not meeting the demands made by all of Quebec 's separatists , the deal represented a substantial increase in provincial autonomy .
10 Cameron and Menzies looked at each other , their eyes gutted of all expression .
11 The public function of GCCS was : ‘ To advise as to the security of codes and ciphers used by all government departments and to assist in their provision . ’
12 The reinforced waves reflected by all the small crystallites produce diffraction rings , or haloes , which are sharply defined for highly crystalline materials and become increasingly diffuse when the amorphous content is high .
13 Agreement between models , which has been construed as showing the accuracy of simulated Late Permian climates , may only reflect the fundamental shortcomings in parameters employed by all models , such as the palaeogeography .
14 At the Yair ford , in mass , they turned to cross , the English guards there prudently withdrawing to a discreet distance , while trumpets sounded in all the enemy encampments .
15 After a few reasonable take-offs and landings , said those dreaded words feared by all trainee pilots , ‘ Do you think you can manage on your own for one circuit ? ’ , and promptly got out of the plane , leaving me to do the usual pre take-off checks , taxi to the beginning of the runway and nervously accelerate down the runway to do a fair take-off .
16 We find our arts opportunities restricted at all levels , from lack of physical access to arts facilities and regulations which bar us from training courses , to our invisibility and misrepresentation in the images produced and promoted .
17 The remarkable feature of Kallibunker 's fur was that it completely lacked the usual long guard hairs found on all other cats .
18 Aiming at these targets will help you to achieve the goals fixed for all students .
19 A chasm has undoubtedly developed , but the sporadic re-emergency of the blasted simulators — they keep crawling up time and time again with bedraggled , sanguine hollers of intent - and the beady eyes cast by all manner of unlikely contenders on pop 's centre stage ( ‘ We see no reason why this band should n't be huge ’ ) — suggests that our new proposition of an overground and underground sticks in the craw .
20 Step-family relationships cut across all generations and many adults who are step-parents may also become step-children as many of the older generation remarry .
21 The methods of research adopted in this project combine those characteristics of social anthropology and history : they include the micro-level study of two contrasting estates , archival research , the detailed investigation of the records kept in estate offices , a series of informal interviews with former European planters and their wives now living in the UK , and discussions and interviews with informants associated at all levels with the industry in Sri Lanka .
22 To calculate the probability of finding a real space-time with some certain property , such as looking the same at every point and in every direction , one adds up the waves associated with all the histories that have that property .
23 Guards fitted to all machines .
24 In pursuance of this nonsense , you not only hear those few callers who succeed in getting through , you 're also subjected to a cheery stream-of-consciousness summary of the grievances expressed by all the rest .
25 They have a comprehensive catalogue , which includes details of their cricket-care initiative , designed to keep clubs and schools informed of all the latest developments in coaching facilities and ground-care , as well as offering some of the latest innovative products .
26 This was why , for the greater part of her education , she had been sent off to a small private boarding-school , where Harriet liked to feel that the company of contemporaries compensated for all that was lacking in her home environment .
27 Guildsmen versed in all the Mystery plays from the Creation of the World to Doomsday clamoured to travel with Garvey .
28 In referral meetings attended by all the staff , an educational psychologist , and an education social worker , decisions on particular cases are taken according to a broad consensus which operated around two major and related considerations .
29 Tryton Inn Yorkshire Puddings seen around all the best joints
30 The induction into beliefs and values separated from all that is religiously controversial or ill-fitting in a secularist , pluralist world , which the HCF model sees as the focus of RE , is performing a valuable educational service , but it is one which can and should be shared by the school as a whole , and every subject-area in it .
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