Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The text of the Convention drew no distinction between evidence obtained from third parties and that obtained from litigants themselves .
2 Thus in general , Solihull secondary teachers believe that staff would be more honest if names were kept off the response sheets ; that the scheme focuses on weaknesses rather than strengths and that generalizing about schools as a whole is difficult .
3 In the beginning there was carbon , and after several generations of Super Novae there was the solar system and then there were a whole lot of trees and they all fell down plonk into bogs and got turned into coal , and that led to the dinosaurs and that led to the mammals and that led to humans and that led to the miners . ’
4 That 's , that 's two months and that keep that keeps you covered for a while , does n't it ?
5 There are many dishes throughout this book that use French ingredients or that show the country 's enormous influence .
6 In addition to the objects found on Eurasian territory , Ortiz has selected antiquities originally acquired by the Czars or that entered museums through private donation or confiscation — the basis of the Greek and Roman collections of the Hermitage and Pushkin , their Etruscan and Byzantine collections and the Egyptian sections of both museums and elsewhere .
7 As Jakobson perceived long ago , those varieties that have supra-local functions and that tend to develop in the direction of koines display simpler phonemic systems than varieties that have purely local functions ( for an excellent discussion of simplification and complexity in a range of language situations , see Andersen , 1986 ) .
8 It is significant that certain of the institutionalized practices that are commonly found in developing countries and that have evolved as a protection for family well-being actually impair the quality of family life and add to the life hazards that its members experience .
9 After all , there was only one painting which fitted the texts and that held nothing .
10 Jackson , who earned a total of £40,000 , said : ‘ I was pedestrian away from the blocks and that cost me vital hundredths of a second .
11 Some are still concerned that they will have to take on juniors ' duties and that abandoning firms will damage juniors ' training and patients ' continuity of care .
12 Cos I think with ivory , I think peaches and that look nice , but I think with white I like stronger colours .
13 After the revolution there was a general amnesty for prisoners and that included criminal elements .
14 I still had time to kill , so I thought I 'd make a couple of ‘ phone calls and that meant employing the Middleditch gambit .
15 Editor , — Rhona Panton 's article on family health services authorities and prescribing refers , in its opening paragraph , to several factors that are outside the control of these authorities and that require understanding in the context of prescribing costs .
16 There has also been significant criticism of companies that have entered into transactions that were unsuitable for their needs and that increased their financial risk .
17 no this is erm where bearings and that come into it
18 And we felt that team two have gone the other way , tha that the work spread out and actually when you looked at the , at the project plan at the back , erm that in fact a surveyor was out for six hundred and eighty three DOPACS units which is about ten days and that had spread all through May , June and July .
19 ‘ I was only away four days and that included the weekend . ’
20 ‘ We posed as dealers and that led to a number of raids . ’
21 Unexpectedly , however , L289 also reacted with a futehr peak of material that has not so far been identified in antral extracts and that emerged relatively late and did not correspond to one of the LW60 peaks .
22 There was a demand for better films and that meant films that would convince middle-class audiences that the new entertainment could aspire to art and be an agency of spiritual betterment .
23 This group of entrepreneurs would , in our imaginary world , immediately notice profit opportunities that exist because of the initial ignorance of the original market participants and that have persisted because of their inability to learn from experience .
24 In fact , I had n't lived south of the river for nearly five years and that had been further over in Southwark until a small matter of an exploding terrace house had persuaded me to go flat-hunting .
25 The definition includes simultaneous reception at more than one location , and also distinguishes between programming provided for business purposes and that provided for entertainment .
26 But what he had left her was the key to untangling the harmony of dancing lights and that let her in to a place which like a child she had always stared at unknowing before .
27 I 've seen a lot o' different things and that like ; but I 've never seen an owd cow dragging a tumbril ! ’
28 But anyway , reprimanded for that , did n't get sack but er had to move on to other things and that meant to me decided
29 But the fundamental point for me was that it involved a positive recognition of my identity and mutual recognition of our identities and that made it much easier to form more personal sorts of relationships on various social levels with other people you met naturally through the things you were doing , whether it was political or social or whatever .
30 But , of course , Dad had had all sorts of minor affairs and that had n't broken up the marriage .
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