Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Precisely either Professor and his party believe in the that certain courses of action are right , that they espouse certain policies or they become hopeless opportunists .
2 They probably would n't serve me anyway ; little rich girl on the hill , her friends ‘ dabble ’ in the arts and they do n't take smack and neither does she , really , except on weekends .
3 I met the guys , loved the songs and they asked me to be their agent .
4 Many of the new hymn books include worship songs and they find widespread acceptance .
5 People who drank six cups of coffee a day had reaction times 6 per cent faster than non-coffee drinkers and they did 4-5 per cent better on memory and reasoning tests .
6 And he 'd got a strip of steel about four inches the half inch and he stuck at the back of his , i it was a long seat that were a four of us sat on with iron legs and they stuck it in the wood and you 'd flip it and it i , you know how it would sto
7 My friends are Liverpool fans and they say they can get me tickets for the KOP , but no way am I standing with a bunch of idiots .
8 Actually , actually wanted new trainers and they 've got them there
9 There are women who live with their husbands and they hate their husbands and do it once a month so their Amex cards do n't get cancelled .
10 Only a few women were on equal terms with their husbands and they recognised their relationships as exceptional .
11 They are foreigners and they appear to be drinking .
12 And they came to the manufacturers and they said look we , there 's no good producing fifty dozen a week on a machine it 's not
13 If I can wave to that group of kids and they go home and talk about it , fantastic , or if I can just sign a measly bit of paper for a kid and he 's so stunned he ca n't talk , that really brings home to me what I am doing it for : because it really makes me feel good . ’
14 People had got no money you see having a load of kids and they keep always being in the family way , naturally trying to get rid of them you see because they did n't want them obviously .
15 His Nan always gets lollies in for the kids and they came in more than useful this time . ’
16 But they sort of , I mean I say , they love the kids and they love , you know , doing anything with them , but , they wo n't , and Dave said why do n't you take , oh I 'd love to do golf , and Dave says well bloody well do it , what 's stopping you ?
17 you know , where I belong , I , I do n't quite honestly do n't really like Harlow New Town any more , I al I did up until about oh eight or nine years ago I thought it was a great place and all , all the cockneys that said , you know , oh I 'd love to be back in London , I thought they were barmy , you know to live in London the di the difference is , I mean my husband 's a cockney and he would n't , would never , well now he would never go back to London you know , it 's a dump , he , he likes Harlow , but er I think I do n't like it now because it 's expanded so much , you know when we , when we were first here , mind you when we first moved in it was ever so difficult for us kids because , there , there was the Old Town kids versus the New Town kids and they hated us , they really
18 Ours , this one , she left her kids and they have n't got a television , she would n't have a television in her house
19 They counted the number of the copulations and they found the females were copulating much more than they needed in order to have , have offspring , so the big problem is why do female adders go to all the trouble of extra copulations with extra males when they could easily just make do with one or two and store the semen , and er the consequence as you could have predicted I think having attended my lectures , is that there does seem to be selection for erm sperm competition in male adders and the , the supposition seems to be that females are openly inciting male sperm competition , because they 're mating with many more males than they need to and there does n't seem to be another gain , they do n't get provisioning from a male , they , all they get is sperm .
20 ‘ They could see I was taking it easier on some of the sessions and they told me so .
21 Then I think the erm the chairs , Malcolm phoned erm was it the homeless , was it Shelter , one of those organizations and they came and picked them up .
22 ‘ No , no ; I only met … well , Robbie was with two of his brothers and they spoke to me and they were nice .
23 We had to win to get into the play-offs and they needed to win to stay in the League .
24 Erm the only thing is what does happen occasionally is somebody comes from the D S S offices and they 've been told , I need a B one .
25 In the election of October 1974 , 25 per cent of the vote went to third-party candidates and they secured thirty-nine seats in the Commons .
26 Well , a lot of old folk er , I do n't think they 're much bothered what they say , they know the name of the candidates and they seemed
27 Secondary , or S-waves , are shear waves and they transmit energy by an ‘ up and down ’ motion of particles normal to the direction of propagation .
28 They 're both crazy about animals and they 've got their own dogs .
29 I know of a lovely teacher who told her boys and girls in school about God 's plan for the animals and they had a mother bunny in her cage right in the schoolroom .
30 I guess they were animals and they had their rights .
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