Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Margery is the most carefully , cleverly and unexpectedly constructed character in Dame Sirith : not much more than a dumb blonde , admittedly , but a character through which the author revels in presenting to his readers or audience a detailed comic portrayal of how a dumb blonde can act .
2 As a result , she may use all sorts of techniques , such as losing exercise books or side-tracking the teacher . ’
3 Mathematics and the natural sciences constitute examples of the first , ethics and politics of the second , and fine arts and engineering the third .
4 The miller 's wife was just as mean as her husband , but their daughter Neva was quite different ; she was happy.natured and kind-hearted , sang all day at her work " like a thrush , and was as beautiful as she was kind , with summer-blue eyes and hair the colour of the sun 's rays at noon .
5 The XJ speeds north over the road-bridge , no lights or siren on but we clip along and it 's the smoothest fucking motorway journey I 've ever had ; just a total hassle-free zone creaming along around the ton with no worries about unmarked police cars and hoo-wee the traffic in front of us just fucking evaporates ; man , just brakes ( and wobbles sometimes as the guy probably gets the cold sweats and the wo-where'd-my-stomach-go ? feeling ) , swings meekly left and brakes again ; you 've never seen a beefy BMW 5-series duck in so fast in your life ; might as well all be driving 2CVs .
6 In dealing with the relationship between words and music the author unfailingly reveals both great experience and great imagination .
7 Fazisi and Maiden the first time entries
8 The dynamic diaphragm of any club , however , is its support , those diehards who , for no reward , man the gates , pick up litter , kick back the divots and aerosol the toilets .
9 They therefore feel they are entitled to sing , throw plates and trip the light fandango during your act if they so choose .
10 It 's time to gird your loins , bake your cakes and man/woman the NCT stall at the local summer festivals .
11 Lisabeth and Fenella were coo-ing sympathetic noises and tut-tutting a lot and were riveted to the porthole window like two old men sharing a What the Butler Saw machine .
12 Stir in oodles of special effects and hand the wooden spoon to Robert ‘ Back To The Future ’ Zemeckis .
13 The Song of Roland does not have much local colour in it , except of a perfunctory ‘ high are the mountains and dark the valleys ’ kind , so there is no particular call to read the poem before visiting the scene , in hopes of recognizing the poet 's descriptions .
14 struggle between two conceptions of the press : the one of a Fourth Estate , with proprietorship a form of public service and journalists a species of public philosophers ; the other of the press as an industry , with proprietors as businessmen and journalism a trade or craft .
15 In a later meeting between parents and psychologist the former , in response to the psychologist 's efforts to identify/impose a consensus , again attempted to articulate their own understanding of George 's needs .
16 ‘ It would be wrong for me to play in the Tests against Scotland and the All Blacks and captain the side and not be around when the guys go on tour .
17 But as more companies outsource design skills and expertise the sector is likely to continue to expand .
18 The choice is varied and students may take advantage of tuition in many sports or alternatively may organize their own programme of activities and book the various sports facilities at times which suit their academic timetables .
19 Theology must somehow be playing on a different pitch , with revelation determining the rules and faith the outcome .
20 ‘ One pound , three shillings and tenpence a day . ’
21 Half of the salary disappeared in mess fees and for the headquarter 's servants , but Sharpe still felt rich , and it was a far better reward than the two shillings and ninepence a day that he had been receiving as a half-pay lieutenant .
22 He had even painted the convent where I had sought consolation in my early homesickness and had agreed with Mother Joseph that I should apply to the Mother House to be accepted as a postulant and return in the course of time , if God so willed , as a professed nun to help her teach the children and grow the herbs and milk the goats and say the prayers in the cool chapel .
23 GRIT your teeth and bolt the door — the latest novel from Iain Banks is about to hit the bookshops .
24 Finalise your honeymoon plans and book a hotel if needed for your wedding night
25 Prick the potatoes 3 or 4 times and oil the skin lightly with safflower or sunflower oil .
26 Time will fly by as you relax in the glorious sunshine , practise your water sports or sip an exotic cocktail under the cloudless sky .
27 Frustrated ambitions can contribute to wrong expectations and fuel the fire of anger and resentment .
28 In 1697 the presbytery being informed by the minister and ruling elder of Kilvarow that Janet NcKalman in Brockachach , Angus Brown in Scarabus , John McVurich in Achtawilling and Milcolm McIllvoil in Grundart doe use charms and divination The Presbytery appoint Allan McDugald their officer to summond them to the next dyet of the Presbytery at Kilchoman .
29 In 1697 the presbytery being informed by the minister and ruling elder of Kilvarow that Janet NcKalman in Brockachach , Angus Brown in Scarabus , John McVurich in Achtawilling and Milcolm McIllvoil in Grundart doe use charms and divination The Presbytery appoint Allan McDugald their officer to summond them to the next dyet of the Presbytery at Kilchoman .
30 However , during the run up to privatisation , it was established that the running costs of the nuclear power stations were higher than was previously believed and that , in addition , the costs of decommissioning these power stations and reprocessing the spent fuel were both high and uncertain .
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