Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 So you 're doing exactly what we were telling you to do a few weeks ago , that you had to er take money out of reserves or you had to cut down on the level of services if you were to avoid putting that thirty four pounds on the council tax bills this year .
2 However , hillwalking is largely safe but there are risks and we have to educate people about these risks if we are going to improve safety .
3 The old tricks should be left alone , because the reality of it is that when I go on tour in a couple of months , I 'm going to be playing all these songs and I 've been careful never to repeat past compositional techniques .
4 You could say well , Jackie took this and you got one leg on this table shorter than the other legs and we 've jammed it under there levels the table up .
5 short legs and we have never denied this .
6 Oh , I was n't and erm , the next thing I know I 've nearly fucking been bowled over , sort of the bags in fucking look behind me , so those two fucking bought the bags back down fucking legs and I 've just caught this like running round another , another thing , I thought oh fucking little kid , the next thing I know there 's another one gone pass me like , taken the bags , the handles out of the plastic bags , fucking and it was a girl that was going first this time , so I and sure enough there was a little fucking brat boy coming again , so I just went flying he sort of looked up at me and rubbed his eye like that and carried on running after the .
7 Look it 's got two legs and it 's got two plaits the same as me .
8 In the launderette it was warm and cosy ; here Maggie made friends and fans and she had inconsequential conversations which mysteriously made her a member of the local community in a way she had never been when she had been fighting for the area 's well-being .
9 Actually , actually wanted new trainers and they 've got them there
10 Ours , this one , she left her kids and they have n't got a television , she would n't have a television in her house
11 If I 've got twenty five kids and you 've only got one yo , I need more than you !
12 On reflection , my brothers and I had this in common — attraction to the opposite sex .
13 My seven younger brothers and I had to go to work to help our mother . ’
14 Erm the only thing is what does happen occasionally is somebody comes from the D S S offices and they 've been told , I need a B one .
15 He and Elinor had been to the council offices and I had still not come home when they got back .
16 They 're both crazy about animals and they 've got their own dogs .
17 I know of a lovely teacher who told her boys and girls in school about God 's plan for the animals and they had a mother bunny in her cage right in the schoolroom .
18 I guess they were animals and they had their rights .
19 These acts make it an offence to kill these wild animals and they have an obvious effect on conservation ; that these animals are not being killed — at least if the law is being obeyed .
20 ‘ These people are animals and they have no part to play in our community .
21 Yes , it 's the , the failure to keep bovine identification breed re records by two or three far farmers and it 's one of those things where if you 've got a lot of animals and you have n't marked them , then you get a lot of incorrects , and that 's why we 've got to go through it .
22 I never work because it was a small workshop that I worked in and in the south side where I belonged , there was an awful lot of Polish people and Jews and they had all these wee furniture places and they made up There was quite a community you know , they were had wee workshops and cabinet makers and my boss was a Latvian .
23 She had looked into the midnight-dark eyes and it had n't seemed to matter at all that the plaza was a very busy place .
24 Marvellous green-blue eyes and he had Repose .
25 And er , but shines the light in his eyes and he has to look up
26 pull the wool over Josie 's eyes And I 've got
27 I think about buying some fags but the headache 's still there behind my eyes and I have the feeling smoking a cigarette would make me want to throw up .
28 Suddenly the tears spurted out of Daisy 's eyes and she had to turn away and bury her face in Drew 's Land-Rover .
29 A shutter came down over his eyes and she had the sensation of having had a door slam very firmly in her face .
30 There had been a very masculine intention to punish in those dark eyes and she had a good idea what the punishment would have been .
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