Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Under the Act the Poor Law acquired the responsibility of visiting and supervising , in institutions or in their own homes , children who had been the subject of cruelty proceedings .
2 Any issues affecting the relations of the Serbs with the imperial authorities or with their Muslim landlords and neighbours had to be dealt with by the Muslim authorities , most of whom operated from the cosmopolitan cities .
3 Nuclear weapons were so destructive that those states which possessed them had to be very careful about getting involved in any conflicts , whether with other nuclear states or with their allies .
4 Apart from their very high technical quality , as in the enamels by Le Sueur on the 1760 Prémin box , nearly all boxes are distinguished either by artists ' signatures or by their provenance .
5 Hard-worked planning officers may need encouragement to pursue the matter and find letters from concerned members of the public about neglected buildings a useful prompt to take the matter to their superiors or to their committee .
6 The order is in the opinion of the Secretary of State such as to give effect either to the Director 's proposals or to his proposal as modified by the Advisory Committee ; and
7 In too many instances a player 's schedule is determined just as much by the need to honour commercial contracts or by their agents , as by what is best for him or her .
8 all learners wishing to revise their elementary English in small groups or on their own at home .
9 Thus to the expository lesson , the period of exercise and drill , the set readings from the class textbook , the tests of memory and comprehension , and all the other useful ploys of the good teacher , have now been added sessions when the student is placed in direct confrontation with a variety of information sources , print.form , audio visual and three-dimensional , in small groups or on his own , in a situation which requires his active involvement and which can to a greater or lesser extent be tailored to meet his individual needs .
10 The Department of Employment therefore proposed an alternative of giving industrial tribunal chairmen , acting alone , discretion at the pre-hearing stage , on the application of one of the parties or of its own motion , to require a deposit of up to £150 from the other party as a condition of proceeding further , if the chairman considered that the case had no reasonable prospect of success .
11 Finch , in a study of preschool playgroups , found that for working class women self help was illusory , because taking turns in looking after other people 's children did not fit in with their life styles or with their aspirations .
12 Some portraits of young children copy imperial features in , for example , the shape of the ears or in their hairstyles .
13 A number of British studies provide some evidence about such relationships or about their contribution to care , but this material remains unco-ordinated .
14 legal expenses incurred either prior to the granting of support by the insurers or without their written consent , and
15 They were all teenagers or in their early twenties .
16 This means you can pay in and withdraw cash or cheques , at any of our branches or at our self-service banking machines ; issue standing orders and direct debits to pay club subscriptions etc , at no cost — however often you use them .
17 The square is full of islanders , the men in trilbies or baseball caps , the women with embroidered black shawls round their shoulders or over their heads .
18 Therefore , she often guides the patient by placing her hand on his chest , or both hands behind his shoulders or on his hip bones below his waist .
19 At the next level of organization , the action of InsP 3 has been studied on populations of receptors prepared either in membrane vesicles or in their normal location within permeabilized cells .
20 De Gaulle 's strident language suggested a fundamentally unsympathetic attitude towards the pieds noirs — an attitude which some have traced back to the latter 's wartime Vichyism , others to the General 's aversion for Mediterranean temperaments or to his incomprehension of the pieds noirs ' " tortured double identity — half French , half Algerian " .
21 Academic staff may use appropriate systems for the development of their computing expertise ; for research projects ; for the support of teaching ; for the exchange of academic information with their peers or with their students throughout the Janet linked institutions in the UK or elsewhere ; and for related access to public domain facilities .
22 Ditched in the Vertigo dumper are the pop songs and in their place comes track upon track of similar-sounding , decidedly gloomy psychedelic romps which they do , on occasion , pull off by the skin of their mushrooms .
23 Then the icy touch of the water reminded her that she had planned to cool the hock in it for Finn and the bastard was n't here ; and for a moment her towel served as a handkerchief as she mourned , and then , since she considered it degrading to weep for a faithless man , she dried her eyes and her ears and under her chin and returned with springing step to the cottage .
24 She 'd showered and lightened her hair , clipped gold in her ears and at her throat , slid into a renaissance shirt and pants of soft silk and called a cab .
25 She had black hair and great stormy black eyes , and there was gold at her ears and round her neck .
26 Terminally ill people are not only identifiable , but their closest relatives are also easily located in hospital and hospice settings and from their contacts with clergymen and general practitioners .
27 She knelt down and rolled them up Bella 's legs and over her swollen knees .
28 The Collector and Hookum Singh had their backs to this wall of flesh , with bayonets sprouting from between their legs and under their armpits ; they were shoving and shoving , and they in turn were being shoved by the other Sikhs , who were struggling to keep them in place .
29 There are other signs that might lead you to believe that there 's things not as they might be , the legs may not be equal length particularly if only one is dislocated and that 's fairly obvious is n't it because the , the , the ball joint 's not in the socket and there 's a bigger gap so the leg hangs down longer and you 've all changed a baby have n't you and you see that they 've got little creases in the insides of their legs and across their buttocks , and those creases may not be a mirror matching they are normally , so those are clues .
30 The association with Lancashire lasted until 1986 and was always a happy one , for he was enormously popular with the fans and with his team-mates .
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