Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [verb] through " in BNC.

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1 Children with mild learning difficulties may attend ESN(M) special schools or pass through the normal educational system .
2 The thematic maps were computer generated , using information brought together from a number of databases and processed through a Geographic Information System with methods that were specially developed during the project .
3 There is a shortage of industrial sites in the South-east of England and rentals are now coming up after lagging behind offices and housing through the late 1980s .
4 Before the exercises actually begin , for a few minutes , close your eyes and breathe through your nose .
5 ‘ However , ’ Corbett continued , clasping his sword belt around his waist , ‘ one thing I do remember is that the preacher was really a gentle man ; he told my mother that Holy Mother Church merely wished to frighten its children except — ’ Corbett narrowed his eyes and looked through the doorway ‘ — for murderers , those who slay , especially the sons of Cain who plot with ice-cold malice the destruction of someone they hate . ’
6 I just closed my eyes and breathed through the contractions .
7 DeVore met those eyes and saw through them to the emptiness beyond .
8 Susan shut her eyes and saw through her monster 's .
9 She closed her eyes and inhaled through her mouth , tasting the freshness , letting it play round her head and soothe its ache like a splash of cool water .
10 Exasperated Maxim opened his eyes and glared through the pain .
11 On this particular journey I occasionally opened my eyes and peered through the slats of the truck .
12 James dropped his pen , adjusted his spectacles and fumbled through the back of the score-book .
13 Waves crashed over their heads and burst through the open saloon door .
14 The gang picked their victims at random after hijacking cars and driving through Dayton , Ohio .
15 Alphabetical listings of LCSH do not offer an overview of related subjects and looking through records in class number sequence does not give the user the structure of the classification scheme .
16 Lucenzo 's brother touched Lucenzo 's arm in thanks and vanished through the crowd .
17 Between these two stable points the composition tilts and weaves through the various clustered groups and knots of interest , reaching its climax in the prostrate figure of Nelson .
18 With small token charges of explosives in our pockets we made for distant roads , railways and bridges , sinking up to our knees in bogs and wading through the icy waters of fast-running burns .
19 I held her shoulders and reached through her to Daine .
20 It started in her toes and across her shoulders and squirmed through her , aching , sweet .
21 A coldness spreading across her shoulders and racing through her limbs … .
22 " Fools attract elil by being easy prey , " said Bigwig , cleaning the mud out of his whiskers and blowing through his long front teeth .
23 ‘ You think she should be pregnant for nine months and go through all the agonies of giving birth , and then give it away ? ’
24 In a moment we are about to leave the leisured and leisurely world of the eighteenth-century gentlemen and hurtle through the mechanical and material world of nineteenth-century England , where the revolutionary ideas of the aristocratic philosophers will become embodied in the social , political and economic structures of industrial Europe .
25 They queued patiently for lifts and ascended through a " Titanic cobweb " to find a choice of Parisian , Alsatian , Russian and Anglo-American restaurants on the first level and a bird's-eye view of the Seine sparkling beneath .
26 The fire had been started in a pile of books and spread through the assembly hall and classrooms .
27 He 'd been right when he told Alison that he was n't overlooked , because he could only see a narrow slice of his lounge from here ; but when he got down on his hands and knees and peered through the wrought ironwork the angle improved and he could see almost half of the room .
28 So I Nureyeved the front steps and flowed through the door in a single motion of Yale and Chubb .
29 Take our lips and speak through them , take our lives and purify them , so that we too may be faithful witnesses to the truth which has set us free .
30 The Franks have been up mountains and down valleys , floated around idyllic lakes and cruised through the staggeringly beautiful ( see The Prisoner -meets-Brothers Grimm ) town of Salzburg , they 've even mimed in a restaurant hall which provides the definitive ‘ Sound Of Music Dinner Show ’ , during which tourists can dine on ‘ cream-coloured ponies ’ .
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