Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well an any meetings really because I think if I can er show my face at these meetings it might er I mean I think whether or not it 's because of the increase in burglaries or whether it 's because of the publicity via David we seem to have had er a hell of a lot of er enquiries about the schemes .
2 In these cases it can be useful to know whether the interpreters are instructed to stay in role at all times or whether they may step out of role .
3 When Dot began to cry she was n't sure if it was because of thinking about poor Mr Brown 's two missing fingers or because she could n't remember what her father 's face looked like , or merely because of the alarming new orders about train departures cackling from the loudspeakers .
4 As always , it is necessary to know the range of applicability of any measurement — whether it is relevant to other similar flows or whether it is peculiar to the particular situation investigated .
5 For many teachers the self-appraisal failed to be a major event , either because they were not required to participate in any review activities or because they were unable or unwilling to devote much time to it .
6 you got yo would have to take and hour or take two hours , or take three hours and if you take up to three hours or if you got three separate hours that was detention and if we were in our in the junior part of the school in the first three forms erm , you then had to go into school on Saturday morning .
7 ‘ It will be up to every member of the committee to decide whether they can take part in the discussions or whether they have a conflict of interest , ’ he said .
8 The , what we are proposing will by no means , create ghettos or or anything else within the housing stock any more than today 's policies are doing anyway .
9 Our goal is solely to establish whether , in a practical ensemble torn apart by antagonism ( whether there are multiple conflicts or whether they are reduced to one ) the breaks themselves are totalizing and carried along by the totalizing movement of the ensemble .
10 I did not say that the world was in a sorry state , that it contained no dangers or that there was in absence of sinister-looking developments .
11 And one where if we 're not prepared to learn from the Europeans , whether it 's integrated transport in cities or whether it 's intercity links or wherever , we 're going to be in a great deal of trouble .
12 There was no indication that they , unlike the aggro leaders , were actively engaged in inciting other fans to join in the scraps or that they led concerted attacks against the opposition .
13 Similarly , within science & library , we should stick to enquiries where we are the experts or where we have the resources of information and staff time , and refer other enquiries to the relevant specialist agencies .
14 Additional cover may be demanded by LCH from time to time in respect of initial or variation margin , as new contracts are presented by the member for registration , as the market price moves in relation to subsisting open contracts or when something occurs that might affect the member 's performance .
15 As the Socialist Challenge pamphlet The Battle of Grunwick commented , ‘ it was not made clear whether the TUC condoned the use of ‘ unnecessary force ’ against non bona fide pickets or whether it thought the police were justified in using necessary force .
16 I 'll never know whether it was to sharpen their teeth or whether they liked the taste of lead .
17 I 'm just wondering if it 's my teeth or that it 's just my blood that 's doing it .
18 Darwin realized that many secondary sexual differences were a consequence of the greater intensity of competition between males for access to mates and that many traits were more highly developed in males either because they conferred an advantage in fights or because they rendered their possessor more attractive to females .
19 Whether our interest is practical or theoretical , whether we set out to provide the ‘ correct ’ treatment for children of various ages or whether we wish to understand the processes underlying their behaviour , we must describe and experiment systematically and objectively in order to arrive at worthwhile conclusions .
20 In five minutes or so they were back .
21 After five minutes or so you will begin to see that your back is becoming flatter as it comes more in contact with the floor .
22 You 'll need four pieces 4′ , 4′ , — and 16″ and 16″ or if you can cut nice mitred corners adjust the lengths accordingly .
23 The access funds supplement the main package of student support and allow universities , polytechnics and colleges to give discretionary support where access to higher education might be inhibited by financial considerations or where they consider that students face real financial difficulties .
24 She thought that once she would have been described as an ‘ old maid ’ and wondered whether she could blame her brothers or if it was all her own fault for being too easy-going .
25 Erm whether it 's to do just with the words , like for dictionaries usage y'know or whether it 's to do with erm how language is strung together , functional use of grammar or whether it 's to do with units and repertoires and bigger units or whether it 's to do even with ideologies or yeah
26 At all events , it enables her to explore the danger that shoots through many childhoods : the fear of losing mother or father , the conflict we often endure as we hear their exasperated voices arguing above our heads or while we are in bed .
27 ‘ Matters of concern would have included the extent to which United Kingdom residents were investors in the Jersey funds , how they had come to be investors in those funds , how those funds were managed , whether they were kept separate from the United Kingdom funds or whether there was intermingling [ the switching of money between UK and offshore funds ] … and , ultimately , whether the Jersey funds as well as the United Kingdom funds could be properly accounted for . ’
28 It is a word which is mostly only used when we discuss Hitler 's treatment of the Jews or when we consider Cambodia .
29 A catastrophe can happen when the system energy is no longer channelled as intended by the designers or because there is a release of toxic substances or both .
30 It is then a matter of preference whether you say that they can not choose the goals or that they can not form strategies to achieve them or both .
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