Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In choosing buildings , particular attention is paid to their special value within certain types , either for architectural or planning reasons or as illustrating social and economic history ; technological innovation or virtuosity ( for instance , cast-iron prefabrication or the early use of concrete ) ; and association with well-known characters or events : and group value , especially as examples of town planning ( for instance , squares , terraces or model villages ) .
2 And since even a polygonal story should have at least two sides in all international farewell orgies , how about packing it in and having a bash at normal behaviour eh , so as to get bashed again as whipping boy despite my morseled-out attempts to break free or go shiating on , turning the other cheek to sheer cheek as sitting target for the unclear missiles of affreux dizzy acts or as wailing wall of blame beyond the demarcation line or bowstring frontier that will boomerang back and much joy may it give me. ( 102 )
3 Over a trial period , adjust preset VR1 slightly to provide a timing of 24 hours or as required .
4 On a grand scale they can be used instead of aqueducts or as approaches to them .
5 The letter is about the vexed question of ‘ unmet need ’ and whether to record it and employ extra solicitors or whether to ignore it and allow the DoH to remain in blissful ignorance .
6 The Grid Convertible , when set-up as a notepad , makes for easier and more natural input for note taking at meetings or when standing .
7 In addition , loss of acuity of the senses — particularly impaired sight and hearing — will reduce an elderly person 's awareness of danger , for example when crossing roads or when cooking in the kitchen .
8 Bake for 20–25 minutes or until risen and golden .
9 Smoking and alcohol are not allowed in school , on school trips or while wearing school uniform .
10 ‘ Some very clever , very nice and very holy people need to be turned away from internal debates on the relative clap-happiness of church services or the sexual inclinations of the clergy or whether to write letters to the papers campaigning for this or that party in general elections .
11 In healthcare settings and when giving first aid there are various routine hygiene precautions which should always be followed .
12 A lot of people who I 'd just describe as having I du n no , people with real dignity and real sense of pride who manage to bring up their kids and and survive in a decent way , in quite a hostile environment .
13 The marginal platforms appear to have prograded over the top of the mud aprons and when combined with the latter , form lenticular bodies of sediments ( Figs .
14 Er so thank you for coming and do n't forget the candidates and and Thank John personally for for for being such a very good er candidate in in this erm hustings , er but do n't leave the candidates to You must fee The people in Salford and Eccles and in er Worsley , who get the Manchester Evening News , Er It 's it 's that they they put lo there 's local issues is n't there ?
15 It is gold with vivid garnet eyes and when wound up runs around in circles .
16 However , none of them has been found in an archaeological context and they have aroused considerable suspicion : they could be relatively modern copies loosely based on Italic originals ; they could be genuine prehistoric imports ; or they could be perfectly genuine figures brought to Britain relatively recently as curios and since discarded or lost .
17 and we will give you a er , two addresses , and so they gave me two addresses and and to reach people at I 've done the job quite well .
18 They may have tried to defend themselves with cooking implements and when begging for mercy used prayers in welsh which may have sounded ‘ foreign ’ to the attackers .
19 The text of the Convention drew no distinction between evidence obtained from third parties and that obtained from litigants themselves .
20 Thus in general , Solihull secondary teachers believe that staff would be more honest if names were kept off the response sheets ; that the scheme focuses on weaknesses rather than strengths and that generalizing about schools as a whole is difficult .
21 These were sturdy little cars and although used mainly on the Norbury — Purley and Thornton Heath lines in the early days , they could and did work anywhere on the system .
22 For next time if you like you can think of some tion words and and write them down .
23 We 'd carefully worked out the tides and as arranged waded back to the shore at 8 o'clock .
24 But for many people is n't it the case that the the church wedding is an an and the promises made the vows made before God and er before the the congregation , for many people they 're just a sort of rather erm oh dear how can I put it rather a flimsy frippery erm that they just feel it 's essential to have so that they can have the nice pictures and and look back on on a church wedding .
25 In the beginning there was carbon , and after several generations of Super Novae there was the solar system and then there were a whole lot of trees and they all fell down plonk into bogs and got turned into coal , and that led to the dinosaurs and that led to the mammals and that led to humans and that led to the miners . ’
26 That 's , that 's two months and that keep that keeps you covered for a while , does n't it ?
27 Interviews with riot participants indicated bitterness at the media 's failure to highlight prior police-community relations : ‘ They do not show people being stopped and searched in their cars , in their homes and whilst waiting at bus stops ’ , one interviewee complained .
28 This sometimes occurs in certain environments and when asked how this could be rectified he said it was not viable to work on a computer of that age and invest in a new one .
29 And keep it warm and then er if you had er Then you had the chickens to you had to set the clucking hens and and bring out as many chickens as you could .
30 There are many dishes throughout this book that use French ingredients or that show the country 's enormous influence .
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