Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] me [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Gabi told me he used to play along to Django Reinhardt and Count Basie records — if you wanted to hear Gabby play One O'Clock Jump then you had it , he could play all that shit .
2 My brothers told me I 'd end up killing someone .
3 Two of the survivors assured me they were among the last girls to be admitted to the trade .
4 " My sons told me you lost your wife in a swimming accident four years ago , Monsieur Devraux , " she had said at last , speaking quietly in French .
5 ‘ My parents gave me it on my twenty first . ’
6 ‘ One fishermen told me he saw seals in the area where he shot 20 creels and when he came back 20 minutes later they were all robbed .
7 The social workers told me I would like the home and that I could stay on at my old school and still have the same friends .
8 Doug Mills , 49 , landlord of The Golden Ball — used as a base for the police operation — said : ‘ Customers told me he had done several tours of Northern Ireland during his service .
9 When he came back in a temper sometimes , or been drinking , Cis told me they would put Rich on the kitchen table and tell him to dance .
10 ‘ When Bonds told me they 'd succeeded in finding you , and sent me a description that tallied exactly , my first impulse was to go to England and strangle you with my bare hands .
11 Later on , my nursing studies taught me it had been a form of bubonic plague .
12 I came searching for you at the shop and one of your neighbours told me she 'd seen you come this way . ‘
13 ‘ I have n't heard of anybody , ’ he said casually , ‘ but if the lawyers asked me they might have asked somebody else before …
14 Jonas told me he had n't invited you . ’
15 Quite apart from the violence , the girls told me it was difficult to be friendly with white girls .
16 The doctors told me they had high hopes that in a year you 'd have made a full recovery .
17 Distraught Christine , of Bell Farm , York , said : ‘ The doctors told me he could die any minute . ’
18 The doctors told me he was unimproved by his stay with them .
19 Nick said : ‘ When doctors told me I would n't live past Christmas , my only wish was to see my sister get married .
20 But if that was the case and doctors told me I would have to stop drinking , I 'd like to think I 'd be brave enough to drink myself into the grave .
21 The 21-year-old star — plucked from children 's TV last year to host TOTP — says : ‘ The doctors told me I had a very bad case of food poisoning . ‘
22 The doctors told me I should n't talk so much .
23 The doctors told me I would never have a child of my own .
24 When asked what the problem was , her friends told me she had just been assigned to teach in a distant , rural middle school .
25 ‘ The teachers told me he 'd let the clots in with the cream . ’
26 A lot of the members told me I was very good — I could pull clubs well and read greens — and I should try going to the Bing Crosby to work for a pro in the tournament .
27 I could not speak to anyone , but when the bridge players saw me they threw down their cards and jumped up from the table .
28 ‘ When the police told me I just cried .
29 ‘ The police told me you were here .
30 It was no great shock , therefore , when around the time of my nineteenth birthday , the police informed me she was in hospital again .
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