Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 The British authorities argued at the time that the way to tackle this problem of falling competitiveness , far from being to allow the pound to devalue , was to maintain a rigid exchange rate for sterling and so through the resulting high interest rates and tight money ‘ to squeeze inflation out of the system ’ .
2 It re-appeared a few weeks later as Netwise UK Ltd , in what some creditors argued at the time was ‘ an apparent breach of Section 312 of the UK Insolvency Act of 1986 . ’
3 It re-appeared a few weeks later as Netwise UK Ltd , in what some creditors argued at the time was ‘ an apparent breach of Section 312 of the UK Insolvency Act of 1986 , ’ ( UX No 375 ) .
4 Yes they 're more sophisticated , and what I 'm concerned about is whether we have the right back up to be able to sustain a war erm there at present the war is more like a blitzkrieg which the Germans used at the start of the second world war
5 The court heard one of the burglaries occurred at an old people 's home .
6 Robyn could smell the freshness of his cologne , see the way his eyes crinkled at the corners , notice for the first time the thickness of his lashes , the way his ebony hair would curl if allowed to grow long .
7 IF there was one occasion that summed up sporting attitudes in l992 , it was Carl Lewis 's bizarre attempt to set an Olympic record for the greatest number of journalists asphyxiated at a single press conference .
8 A tear slowly rolled down his grandfather 's face , but still his eyes gazed at a point miles and miles away .
9 Her eyes gazed at the yellow light on the ceiling .
10 Grey-wigged jackdaws with bright glinting eyes tumbled at the cliff edge .
11 Auguste 's eyes misted at the sound and sight of the lovely Araminta , Multhrop 's eighteen-year-old daughter , rustling down the staircase in a delightful froufrou of petticoats , her large blue eyes fixed on her father , but well aware of every male in sight .
12 Both brothers perished at the battle of Marica in 1371 , and a few months later , with the death of Stephen Uroš , the last Serbian tsar , the Nemanjić dynasty came to an end .
13 Yuan 's eyes flickered at the vocative title ‘ sei-sen ’ — ‘ sword bearer ’ .
14 First , the increased weight of demands came at a time when the actual problems thrust before government were not only more complex and intractable , but were also more interdependent — solve one ( say , inflation ) and you only caused another ( rising unemployment ) .
15 None of these methods seemed at the time to have any relevance to therapeutics , and the scientists who developed them would have found it very difficult to persuade the distributors of funds for medical research to support them , but without them the practical advances which came later would have been impossible .
16 As other police cars arrived at the scene the two men raced across the central reservation and drove off at high speed to be chased later by PC Whitehouse and WPC Larkin .
17 he told her that even if he was caught he had now enough money to get her , police monitoring calls to the Shipway 's office traced the call within seconds to a phone box at the service station on the A one at Groinby near Gran Grantham Lan , Lincolnshire , police cars arrived at the call box only minutes after the kidnapper had left
18 The idea was that light waves traveled at a speed of 186,000 miles a second through the ether , which meant that an observer who was at rest relative to the ether would measure the speed of light to be about 186,000 miles a second , but an observer who was moving through the ether would measure a higher or lower speed .
19 He was also a reformer and builder ; his reforms were far-reaching in administration and law while the arts flourished at a high level .
20 The road-sweeper 's eyes shone at the wonder of it all , and then he went on .
21 Patsy 's eyes shone at the excitement .
22 It was from this starting-point that the structuralists arrived at the radical view that all meaning in every sphere of human activity consists of closed systems wholly independent of the material world .
23 On either side of the central aisle , heads nodded at the buildings and streets around them as a now livelier Ashenden continued , himself ( like the site , it appeared ) splendidly restored from whatever malaise had affected him over the previous two days , a malaise which had been noted and commented upon by several others of the group besides Mrs Shirley Brown — the latter sitting comfortably now in her usual seat , the effects of the sting having cleared up fairly quickly under the twin application of Mrs Roscoe 's unguents .
24 Her eyes flared at the stinging insult , only too aware that he outstripped her professionally .
25 Pompeian decoration features in ceramics , glass and metal from the 19th century as the public craved objects decorated with designs discovered at the excavations of the ancient Italian city between 1860–1875 .
26 They arrived on Christmas Eve 1924 , proving that high-quality electrical test recordings existed at the end of 1924 , although it is not known that any of these survive today .
27 Only fourteen comprehensive schools existed at the time when Tony Crosland was writing : good grammar schools could not simply be swept away , nor the rights and duties of Local Education Authorities brushed aside .
28 So even although the dogs ' questing noses sniffed at the scent trail on the wall as high as they could reach on their hind legs , there was no dangling rope to draw their attention upwards to the figures on the roof .
29 In June 833 when Louis the Pious , with Judith and Charles beside him , tried to face down his opponents in Alsace , his own supporters quailed at the size of the army ranged against them , broke faith and fled .
30 The animals shuddered at the word unpleasantness .
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