Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] it for " in BNC.

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1 When eventually its report , Lead and Health , was published in 1980 , various environmental groups damned it for being too meek .
2 The Chinese , who used ivory for elaborately carved handles and vessels as early as the Shang dynasty and in later times used it for a wide variety of personal items such as brush pots , wrist-rests , boxes , seals , snuff boxes and fans , had increasingly to import the material as the elephant herds in the southern provinces diminished .
3 Alter this technique had been invented , it was only a matter of time before weapons designers adapted it for the detection of submarines .
4 Then I said , or perhaps one of my voices said it for me , " I do n't know .
5 Red Indians used it for nappies , and J&J might just follow in their tracks — encouraging us to flush the bog down the bog , as it were ?
6 The north American Indians hunted it for food and used the feather to decorate their headdresses , but the Mexican Aztecs were responsible for domesticating it .
7 Muslim parents favoured it for their daughters because men were barred the premises .
8 With rare exceptions the classical economists took it for granted that a reduction in the money-wage rate would be translated into the all important reduction in the real-wage rate which was required by marginal productivity theory .
9 It also remained a source of controversy among the Canadian electorate , its supporters maintaining that it was essential for competing with the world 's other large trading blocs , while its opponents blamed it for Canada 's current economic malaise .
10 Egyptians used it for embalming their dead , the Mesopotamians used it as perfume and the Romans thought it was an aphrodisiac .
11 His absorption with Mao and Castro was so open that the neighbors took it for a double bluff , and each new discovery of an agent transmitting messages from some ordinary-looking English suburb increased the tension of their interest in the land mine who was surely bound one day to go off in their own street .
12 ‘ Just a long stone room but legend has it that the Templars used it for their mysteries .
13 But many biologists took it for granted that the main purpose of evolutionism was to elucidate the precise course of life 's development from its earliest origins .
14 So much so that in America the Black Panthers studied it for tips on guerrilla tactics !
15 Hoomey wondered who he would go along with when the day came his parents arranged his getting married , for Sikhs arranged it for their sons , Hoomey knew .
16 The players knew it for themselves .
17 Reid was convinced that the British Empire had given New Zealand the Cook Islands mandate because the Americans wanted it for their sphere of influence .
18 Others attacked it for not being sufficiently realistic ( TLS 1957:629 , Fuller 1957:62 ) , and one concluded that ‘ Miss Brooke-Rose was in two minds about the novel she intended to write ’ ( Allen 1957:469 ) .
19 What was once the abbey 's guest-house had been increasing in size and grandeur as successive monarchs used it for their Edinburgh residence .
20 Everyone knows that , and the Israelites discovered it for themselves in the wilderness .
21 Environmentalists criticized it for emphasizing improved access to energy supplies while failing to ensure adequate environmental safeguards .
22 Bosses swapped it for a £900 Skoda .
23 But it was not so long ago that many leading Tories faulted it for being mismanaged , diffused , uncertain , failing to set the agenda ; in a word , bad .
24 Medieval law was indeed profoundly conservative , and most medieval vassals took it for granted that the right of resistance was a law which could not be abrogated .
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